Nov 30, 2023


Oh my goodness, Dearies! I had no idea that Rich getting fitted for a blue jacket would cause such a ruckus! First of all, thank you for your interest...I forget that there are actually real live Dearies out there who read my drivel...and cheers to you for being curious about our silly happy quiet crazy little life here in Hoosierville!

Rich is an usher over at Notre Dame occasionally, and they have special outfits for different occasions. He started doing this last March as a way to get out and meet people and to have something to do besides sit here and watch me stitch all day, and he loves it.  He has ushered sporting events, graduations, meetings, masses, and cultural things, and I think it takes him back to his days as an usher at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City. 

As for me...I am still fighting something mysterious of my own and am waiting to get some tests scheduled. It started with what I thought was food poisoning or a medication issue, or the flu, but now we're thinking pancreatitis?  I don't know what it is, but I'm ready for it to be g.o.n.e.

Stitching of the Wee Santa continues, and as soon as I get a few chores completed and a nice hot scrubby shower, I'm going to get right back to it!
I'm really enjoying this little guy, but I wish I had an idea of what to do with him once he's finished. I suppose he'll go live in the Christmas Fuppy box with all of the other finished/unfinished projects, or I'll get brave enough to sit down one of these days and have a finishing marathon!

Happy Thursday, Dearies! I hope this finds you all well and happy and doing something wonderfully fun! Come tell me all about it!
Does anybody else like roasted chestnuts as much as my JB does? I finally made them for him last night!


  1. Thank you for the jacket explanation! I've never had a roasted chestnut, but my parents used to laugh about the time (the first and last time) they decided to roast chestnuts, but didn't know you were supposed to slit them first. They exploded all over the inside of the oven and then burned. No wonder they never did it again!! :-D

  2. Whew! About the jacket....I was hoping it wasn't jacket first and casket second!!! Thanks for sharing more of your lives with all your nosy followers.

  3. Ahh, thanks for the jacket info. You do realize we will need a photo of him in his snazzy jacket once he receives.

    Amy in NJ

  4. As a nurse I can assure you pancreatitis is not to be taken lightly and it is most uncomfortable . Hope they figure it out soon and feel better! Do so enjoy your blog. Are you not going to write a column again?

  5. That's wonderful that Rich has a "focus" that makes him happy as well. I think a special blue jacket is awesome. I hope all turns out well for you, Coni. That they figure it out and make you right as rain!

  6. I’m an alum myself, as well as the daughter & spouse of alums & did not know about the blue jacket. Too bad we don’t live nearby-my DH would love to be an usher!

  7. I hope that they figure out what is wrong with you and you are feeling better soon. Happy for Rich and his new adventures in ushering.

  8. Thanks for the blue jacket explanation, Coni! I don't think I have ever had roasted chestnuts. Hope you are feeling better soon. Thinking of you!
