Jun 29, 2023


I finished the stripes portion of the flag in the wee small hours of the morning, and decided to move the snaps so that I could move on to finishing the stars part today.

Oh dear.

Something just seemed...off about the blue, and although I knew I needed to add one more row, it wasn't lining up correctly no matter how hard I squinted at it or counted and re-counted.

Drat. I somehow got that entire blue section in the wrong place and off by several threads.

So I paced and fretted and fretted and paced until I realized there was only one solution.

 It took me the better part of three Sopranos episodes, but out it all came, and after a bit of sleep and a couple cups of damn good, I'm ready to try try again today.

A few quick errands to run before I thread up for the day! It's a scorcher out there in Hoosierville today, so methinks the sooner I get out and back...the better!



  1. Sorry "The Dreaded Frog" paid you a visit. Your stripes are beautiful and I'm sure your stars will be too!

  2. Sometimes, it's the only thing to do and you feel much better for it. Better than having to completely scratch a project and start all over like I did with The Family Sampler by The Victoria Sampler.

  3. Oh dear. My heart goes out to you: I'm fighting a possible future design - the size, the positioning, the colours - and one thing usually leads to a vital change in another part. The very best of luck for your second round with the stars!

  4. Bummer! But it looks like you are ready for round 2 of the blue. Go Coni!

  5. Martha Near SeattleJune 30, 2023 at 3:08 PM

    Frogging can be both dispiriting and liberating. Sometime pulling pieces of thread out can be a game....how long is this one, am I going for a personal best? Oh rats, a knot.....A least you had the Sopranos for company. My last big frog pull was accompanied by a combination of Samurai soap operas, boat videos, and poker vlogs. (guess who had the remote control!)

  6. Compliments on your good attitude!
    There's not much about stitching i don't like, but my dislike of frogging tops the lust
