Jun 16, 2023


Here she is, Dearies! This is my finish of Brenda Gervais' "Summer At Cherry Hill". I made a few changes...namely omitting the grass and border, and adding red glass seed beads to the dress, flowers, and cherries. (Sorry, but they don't show up very well in my craptastic photo).

Forgive a short post today, please. Some wicked vertigo hit me last night as I was finishing this, and I feel like I'm trying to stand on the deck of the SS Minnow. The whole room is tilting and bobbing about. Probably an inner ear thing, but I'll go get it double-checked just to be sure, I promise.

Happy Weekend to one and all! What's on the Fun Menu?


  1. the tree ended up looking cool : )

  2. Fantastic finish, Coni! Hope the vertigo is a thing of the past for you so you can enjoy the weekend! Thinking of you!

  3. She's lovely. I think the change you made balances the piece better. Kudos!!

  4. Tell Gilligan, Mary Ann, the Movie Star and all the others "hello" from me, Hope you get to feeling better soon,
    barbara (in Tennessee)

  5. A beautiful finish! It’s perfect :)
