May 5, 2023



It is the most beautiful day out there in Hoosierville, so I went to get labwork done, had breakfast at Starbucks, and now I'm playing at the library. I've stitched, I've read, I've walked the stacks, and I've checked out another pile of books to enjoy.

Life is, indeed, very wonderful.

Will you be watching the Coronation of King Charles tomorrow? I have an entire day planned of tea, scones, and lovely little sandwices when it's all over. I feel so lucky to be able to see it!


  1. Such a beautiful library, and so calming!

  2. Looking forward to watching the historic coronation tomorrow. Can’t decide how early to awaken.

    Your day sounds lovely.

    Amy in NJ

  3. Took a nice long nap today so I can watch it when it starts tonight.

  4. I'm looking forward to watching it. I missed Elizabeth II's by 3 years and don't know if I'll still be kicking when William takes the throne, so I intend to see this!

  5. Here in "mountain time" I think I have to be up by 3:00am if it starts at 5:00am eastern time. I was the little girl with her nose 2 inches from the black and white TV screen soaking up every minute (hours) watching the crowning of Queen Elizabeth. It all seemed so magical!! Probably won't get those feelings with this coronation but it will be fun to see it in color!

  6. Your Friday was indeed blissful especially walking the stacks. Happy Saturday!

  7. I enjoyed part of the ceremony and celebration. No one does pageantry like the Brits.
