May 2, 2023



Today is rather wambsgansed (if you know, you know), since I took Rich to the airport at some ridiculously obscene hour before dawn, so I am just now really getting my wits about me with a cold brew and a fresh vat of water.

My Spinstercation has begun, and so far I've managed to watch a documentary about Diana Vreeland and check out all of the looks from the Met Gala last night, as well as catch up on the papers, do the puzzles therein, and accept delivery of and neatly put away groceries and supplies.

It's approaching 5:00, and I know I should consider dinner, but I'm just not hungry. I made my usual egg/avocado/naan bread thing for a late breakfast, and it's holding me over quite nicely. You know me...I seem to go in spurts of eating the same thing everyday and then suddenly change my mind, but this egg/avocado/naan thing has lasted longer of all of the other spurts.

(Mini original naan breadlette, a small 2oz container of Wholly Guacamole spicy spread (which is basically just mashed avocado, lemon juice, and spicy peppers), a poached egg, a scant teaspoon of Hidden Valley Ranch spicy secret sauce, and a hearty sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning).

(Oh. And blueberries. I try to have a cup of fresh blueberries every day.)

(Supposed to ward off depression and the winter blues.)

My list is growing of all of the things I want to accomplish while Rich is away, but so is my desire to sit on my fanny and stitch "Good In Everything" all day. It seems to be very slow going with all of the color changes, but I'm also enjoying the pace of that immensely. 

Happy Tuesday to you, dear Dearies! What has you happy dancing these days? Come tell me all about it!


  1. For some reason, I slept in until 11:30 and am now getting caught up on "Escape to the Country", a British version of House Hunters about people leaving cities to move to small villages and the country. It's relaxing escapism, with a sprinkle of information!

    1. Susan, I LOVE Escape to the Country for that very same reason. It’s so relaxing and their countrysides are so beautiful!

  2. Enjoy the Spinstercation, Coni! Eat some avocado for me (not a fan).

  3. Finally seeing that yellow ball in the sky. I forgot what it looked like. Planning my next stitchy project and whether it should be cross stitching or rug hooking. Having a wonderfully sunshiney day here in Wisconsin!
