Mar 13, 2023


Good morning, Dearies! Here we are on another Monday. The sun is shining here in Hoosierville, but the snowflakes are also falling and the birds are sweetly tweeting, so methinks we're a little corn-fused.

I'm making progress on There Dwells My Heart:

And am enjoying this for breakfast every day. Stonefire original mini naan with an itty bitty schmear of whipped chive and onion cream cheese, mashed avocado, Canadian bacon, egg, everything bagel seasoning, and Hidden Valley Ranch spicy secret sauce:

And labwork. There's always a lot of labwork:

I'm going to re-fill the damn good mug, have another big slurp of water, and watch Succession and stitch for the rest of the afternoon. Just what this Monday ordered!

What's new with you? Come tell me all about it!



  1. Martha Near SeattleMarch 13, 2023 at 4:08 PM

    It's raining, raining, raining. I did the morning walk anyway, now I am going to change my socks, get my tea and also stitch the rest of the afternoon. I am working on my HAED "It's About Time" today because I will be alone and can concentrate.

  2. It's raining here after snowing almost every day last week...made me shovel since my husband was out of town. Good exercise though. Your breakfast looks tasty! My stitching for today has been on a Musician Gnome I got off Etsy a couple of months ago. It's for a friend's husband who is a drummer. So colorful and fun to stitch. I'm about 70% done and looking forward to sending it to them as a surprise. Have a fantastic day!!

  3. Your stitch is looking good, Coni. Hope the lab work went smoothly and the numbers are getting where they should be. We had sunshine yesterday afternoon and it is sunny and breezy here this AM. My current project is Sweet Land of Liberty by Heartstring Samplery. Happy Tuesday!

  4. Love the piece you're working on. I'm stitching owls on a Christmas stocking for my grandson. Have several other WIPs that are waiting for some attention. May you keep moving forward. We are with you

  5. Thanks to global warming, we've had a weird, warm winter, with more rain than snow. BUT NOT TODAY! Today is a gusty nor'easter that killed my apple tree, & is shaking the windows

  6. That looks super yummy! I'm going to have to see what I have in the fridge tomorrow and try to make something similar :)
