Feb 13, 2023


 Robins and Snow
The Little Stitcher
32ct raw natural linen with white dots
DMC and Colour & Cotton Threads

Well, Dearies, here we are on a sunny Monday once again. I had a quiet but restful Sunday, and managed to finish my little bird house while watching the SuperBowl.

I really enjoyed this, especially since the finish came so quickly. I seem to get hung up on bigger pieces for extended periods of time, so having a nice little finish really sparks my motivation and stitchy mojo.

I'm not sure what's next, but considering tomorrow's festivities, I might pull out the Valentine's Day basket and play with something red.

Enjoy your day today! I'm going to putter about for a little bit and then play in my stash baskets. What's on your agenda for the day? Come tell me all about it!


  1. Love the bird house and robin. Looks just right for February and Valentines Day!

  2. So sweet. Just in time for Valentines Day

  3. Super Cute! Someday I am going to stitch on that dot fabric.

  4. My agenda consists entirely of the background and the white feathers on the Swans wall hanging by Glorafilia, which is 30 x 24 inches and which I am fiercely determined to complete as soon as humanly possible. I'm enjoying it, all right, but it's taken over my life and I need a change! Next project will be somewhat smaller.
