Feb 22, 2023


Hi, liz!

Thank you for your comment on my last post. I tried to answer your question, but for some reason I couldn't get it to publish. You asked about the fabric for my latest project. I'm stitching on a piece of 28ct Lugana from Colour & Cotton called Ophelia. 

You also mentioned that you are new to cross stitch. Welcome! I hope that this thing of ours will be as life-changing for you as it has been for me!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, I'm newly retired, I've been a quilter for years...
    I thought (foolish me) that cross stitch would be an easy inexpensive
    hobby : )
    I knew so little : (
    I love it and flosstube
    Thank you for you're blog and sharing you're beautiful stitching

    I'm pretty much suck at it
    but I'm improving
