Feb 10, 2023



I spent a lovely hour yesterday watching Miss Vonna on the YouTubes. It's been forever since I tuned in to see what everybody on Flosstube has been up to, so it was wonderful to catch up and just feel so...happy.  I added a few stitches to my little bird house, drooled over Vonna's WiPs, and then made us a wonderful dinner of stuffed pork chops, veg, and mashed.

All in all, a lovely Thursday.

Today dawned bright and early with me going for labwork and Rich going to walk in the pool while I ran errands. Then it was on to the diner for veggie omelets and wheat toast. 

Are you detecting a theme here?

Tomorrow, my Lima peeps will be here for the Notre Dame/Ohio State hockey game, so shenanigans might ensue. I'm looking forward to giving them all a good squish or two and planning our next adventure, which will be the Lima St Patrick's Day Parade.

So that's the big update from here in Hoosierville, Dearies. The sun is shining and the damn good is doing its thing, so I'm going to get on with it before launching into the weekend. I hope you are well, warm, safe, and dry, and that you will have a swell weekend!