Jan 24, 2023



I finally finished the bird atop the hat atop the snowman on "All Bundled Up", and depending on what I find in my basket, I might start something new for February. I'm thinking something lovey would be lovely.

This week I'm watching an online seminar, and my homework tonight is to write my old story and then write what I want my new story to be.


This is going to require a good think, I think. It's not exactly information that I've had in the front of mind lately...especially not my old story. The new one is easy enough, especially when you consider BellyBean, Angel, SpinsterNation, and all of the other incredible parts, but as to the old?

I'm stumped.

So, Dearies. If anybody has an idea of how I would describe things here in Hoosierville in days of Yore, I'd be eternally grateful!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I recommend going back to the beginning of your blog and reading it to get a real picture of who you were then. While your writings show you were funny and interesting and a keen stitcher, they will also remind you of the story of you so many years ago.


  2. I echo what Susan said. Its all here on your blog. I remember many of the bad times you wrote about lying underneath your funny stories.

  3. Hmmm, perhaps a wander back through the early years of your blog would help with the old story. Thinking of you as you ponder, Coni!

  4. I love cardinals. I am guessing that you have snow to build that snowman today in the upper part of our state today! We just have rain & slush in Southern IN. That would be a tricky write......I mean days of yore could be as a child, as a 20 -30-40 something or all of it which might be a mini series. That would be hard for me....I am a forward person & tend to not reflect much.

  5. Your story could be short but sweet: Past - it was what it was. Future: "I will be as happy as a bird with a french fry". Having to write a story about my life would be as hard as it is to write an artist statement about my inspiration and my work.

  6. Maybe to focus on what a strong woman you are, how many things you have gotten through, and here you are, still kicking and writing and stitching and making us smile?
