Jan 1, 2023



I had not performed the ritual in three years, but that didn't mean I didn't have all of the yearly orts carefully collected. Today I transferred 2020 - 2022 orts into their final resting places and labeled the jars accordingly.

Before you all ask me about the jars and labels and where to get them, I have to warn you that it was a total PROCESS of crackpot spinster craziness that caused Aunt Chrissy to stop talking to me for three years and then eventually move far far away.

(Michael's, Dearies. Just go to the Michael's or JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby or Container Store near you...or go on the amazons and make it work. It will literally take you three minutes, even though it took me four months, seven days, and a bottle of bad vodka to finally scratch my psycho itch.)

2023....here we come!


  1. Ort you glad you went to all the trouble? I need to find a jar for my 2022 orts. Happy New Year!

  2. What is an ort? Pieces of thread? Why not just throw out?

    1. Oh Dear. Have we met? 😬 Absolutely no reason to archive tiny little remnants of thread other than being bats$?t crazy.

  3. Oh how fun! I think I will Ort with yarn :) Have enjoyed following your journey this pass year. Look forward to seeing what you get up to in 2023

  4. You are not alone Coni. I do the same with my orts. Someday I plan on putting them in clear ornaments.

  5. What a cute idea, & much nicer than my habit of dropping them in the drawer of my side table

  6. Genius! I love it.

  7. I only just started saving orts after finishing a Kathy Rees’s Colorblocks. So many specialty threads that I was exceedingly judicious. I put them in one of those clear Christmas ornaments many use for paint pours. Great alternative.

  8. The little bits of color are a work of art when gathered, and even better if you have some metallic thread for sparkle.
