Dec 29, 2022


It's amazing what happens when I put the iPad thingie away and pull out my stitching. The troubles of the world go away, my brain stops spinning over the dumbest things, and I actually feel my breath slow with each pull of the needle and thread through the fabric.

Ahhhhhh. Progress.

I might play with this one a bit longer. It's really quite enjoyable, and I seem to be doing this one at a time thing. When the heck did that happen? Remember the spinster who used to run around with her hair on fire? 

I guess the last several years have changed me in so many ways, not the least of which is that I am certainly less...frantic.

Ahhhhhhh. More progress.

Rich returns tomorrow. I will fetch him from the train station at 7:30 in the morning and will then go get labwork completed for my upcoming visit with the Bean Team. They will be here in northern Hoosierville on the 5th to check on me, and I'm really looking forward to seeing them! 

Well, Dearies, it's time for my second cup of damn good, and then a few little homekeeping items before I settle in. I managed to get all of my laundry finished yesterday, so that leaves just a few things on the list before I can call it complete!  WooHoo!

Happy Thursday! What's new with you?


  1. Joined some quilt bee friends today to cut and sew some donated fabric for charity quilts. This year we have made more than 250. Looking forward to putting my knitting down some and picking up my stitching again for the new year.

  2. Watching the Christmas snow melt and taking all the cataract eye drops. Got the OK to bend over and sleep on my right side. Left cataract surgery is January 11th.

  3. It is amazing what you can get done when you put away the electronic distractions. Beautiful work on you santa.

  4. You are making awesome progress on the Santa piece, Coni. Have a couple errands to run later and then I am going to stitch and read. Enjoy your Friday!

  5. It is amazing the impact of time spent through the electronic rabbit hole... So glad you had the opportunity to compare and choose the
    more productive activity. Santa looking mighty good.

  6. Our football teams are playing each other right now! Go Cocks!
