Dec 26, 2022


I feel like I have been lounging and feasting and stitching and feasting and resting and feasting for a month and a half, Dearies!

Oh wait.

I keep forgetting that my life is one big lounge/feast/stitch/rest/feast. The only thing that separated last week from the rest of it (aside from Christmastide, of course) was the abundance of twinkle lights, ham, and these stupid sub-zero temperatures.

As soon as I can muster the motivation, I'm going to bundle up, head downstairs, and attempt to start the car. I am almost 100% sure it will be deader than a doornail, but that's why we have AAA. One phone call, and all should be well once again, I'm sure.

A fair bit of stitching has been happening here in Hoosierville:

Santa is coming along, and I am delighted that even the Kreinik has been a complete joy to stitch. I think the fact that I'm stitching on 28ct fabric has a lot to do with that, but I am also giving it a nice gentle stretch/tug before putting it through a bit of Thread Heaven. I hope to continue further with him through the week, and if I'm still feeling it, might just take him into the new year until finished. 

I do hope your holiday was perfect and that you are heading into a week of rest and good leftovers. I'll be eating ham and crockpot candy for the foreseeable future, but promise to pump the breaks by Thursday or so. 

Happy Everything, Dearies! Come tell me all about your Monday!


  1. Such great progress! Debby in CO

  2. My Monday was uneventful. Which, after being sick last week, was a Very Good Thing.
    I hope the car starts for you and Santa is looking good!

  3. Coni, Santa is looking fabulous. Glad the car started for you! Enjoy these remaining days of 2022.

  4. Monday we rested after hosting Christmas festivities, which was fun and full of love and good food. Am going to start my car too I hope.

  5. Great progress on Santa! I am just getting back to normal and catching up on blogs today so a late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes from me :)
