Oct 21, 2022


It's a good thing I don't have abandonment issues. Four people "in my life" have suddenly disappeared, or have announced their upcoming disappearance. A normal person would think that this is an enormous coincidence. Me, however? I'm sitting here thinking that I must be just too much to handle, and that all of my being EXTRA has finally worn people out.

I went to get my brows done with Gordanna, but Gordanna no longer works there! So I met the lovely Serena instead, and had my brows fixed up. But Serena is a medical assistant and doesn't normally do brows, so it's anybody's guess who gets stuck with me when I go back next month.

Then, I went to see Dr Campbell, and she announces that she's leaving the practice! I can follow her if I want to, but she's my replacement for my beloved Dr Niklinska, so I'm wondering if I want to go through finding a replacement for the replacement, or if I should hang with her and see what kind of adventures we can have together.

Today, as Rich and I were running around having fun, the salon called to tell me that my pedicure appointment for Saturday had been cancelled because Jenny...the wonderful person responsible for keeping my toes pretty, has left the salon! And they don't have anybody who can see me in the foreseeable future, so it looks like I'm going to have to break out the ladders, pulleys, and chain saws and attempt to do them myself again.

And then, to top it all off, Dr Cavanaugh...the man who has been my thyroid doctor since I was a Freshman in college (!) sent a letter announcing his retirement! In case you're trying to do the math in your head...I was a Freshman in college in 1984. It is now 2022. That's 38 YEARS, Dearies! 

So now the question enters me tiny little brain. Will my Dearies be next?

It's OK. I'll be fine. Really. I will. I just need to remember that things seem to happen in bulk to Yours Truly, and that it's times like this that I need to concentrate on dialing my crazy down a bit and tucking it back in and getting back on my gratitude and humility wagon.

We're off like a herd of turtles tomorrow to Indianapolis. Rich's alma mater, Quincy University, is playing a football game at the University of Indianapolis, so we're heading down for the festivities. There's an alumni tailgate party before the game, so I'm hoping he'll run into some classmates and friends, and I can hear stories about my Jersey Boy as a BMOC.

Happy weekend! I hope your heart is full of joy and your days with fun and frolic! Come tell me all about it!


  1. That is a lot of change at once, but it will be fine! Lose us? Not even remotely possible. Have fun this weekend. Debby in CO

  2. Where I live (Detroit suburbs) most nail salons take walk ins so perhaps you can try a new place. Good luck!

  3. There is no way I would leave! You are one of the shining stars in this whole blog series. Change is inevitable, and sometimes painful but somehow we make it. Together we are a nation!

  4. Holy cow you reach your toes to do a pedi! I am so impressed since I cannot.

  5. Still hanging around for you! I might not get to respond to posts as much, but I love seeing your stitching and now your trips out and your sense of humour goes a long way. We all need a laugh to keep our spirits up! Hard when people disappear - it used to be my hairdressers moving on up, families, etc! Hope you can source nice replacements.
    Here has been so busy on the smallholding - we have apples coming out of our ears! And now the Devon bog weather has kicked in, so putting to bed the veggie area, apart from those tough veg cookies that take any winter weather, ready for spring. We had lots of ducklings this year because a sneaky girl hatched 14 little secrets! One of our cats decided to do a Pepe le Pew cat and walked under paint all along his back - a huge stripe! By the time we found out, it had hardened so he's now been sheared!
    Have a fun weekend - and week ahead. Toodle pip, Kerry xx

  6. I can't even figure out how to comment correctly so I'm never leaving, just not commenting much! Never leaving. Never. You can not shake me. I look forward to reading this here blog every day. I will say that I have had my most beloved primary care doc of 32 years tell me that he is getting old and will not always be at the practice. The guy is younger than me! Retirement, moving on from jobs - all good for them but hard for those of us who do not relish change! Today is a beautiful Fall day here in Massachusetts and we are heading off to a wedding on the rocky coast of Maine. Falling leaves, crashing waves, a beautiful bride and most handsome groom - it will be perfect! Enjoy your day with JB!

  7. Bless your heart. Yes, you will survive. As in "one step at a time," the new helpers will fill in one step at a time. In the meantime, keep on enjoying!

  8. Would never leave you! I've been reading your blog since your very first post. You are intelligent and extremely witty and handle your share of troubles with such grace. And though technically still a spinster I am so glad you have Jersey Boy now. If he has a brother send him my way!

  9. The last two years have been rough for those of us working in or owning salons. Many have had to go into different occupations with a more reliable income. Doctors do leave us even if we aren't ready for them to. It's hard to adjust to new ones. I don't care for changes in my life but they happen. Good luck with all of your changes!

  10. Oh Coni, another who wouldn't leave you! Change is hard and you have definitely had many of late. But you will get through these changes. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thinking of you!

  11. Hope you find some good people. And hope you are feeling better. Hang in there!

  12. I think you've got some fan folks that are stuck to you like glue. I feel bad I don't comment much, but I'm always looking to see what you've posted. I've been accused of disappearing lately, but that was the ugly Covid finally catching up with me in the midst of a work tornado. Meh. We are in a culture that is becoming more and more transient plus at least I AM at that stage of life where peers are retiring and heaven forbid passing away. I don't like being here, but it is what it is. Hang in there woman!! Most of us aren't going anywhere.

  13. That damnpanic has put so many lives in a state of flux. Gone are the days of long standing sources... The salons have been hard hit and and so many industries seem to be re-positioning themselves to survive. After many years, our excellent primary physician retired from patient practice and is now teaching medical students,.. quite a loss. But life goes on and it is a test of ones adaptability to adjust and make do as best we can. Reshuffle the cards and go on with the game.... You do it better than most, Coni.
    Have a fun--filled weekend.

  14. I’m not leaving, I just seem to have lost how to find you! I don’t get notifications anymore so I keep having to search google and then frantically catch up on all your posts!
