Sep 7, 2022


The water class started a new session today, so off I went to splosh with the other ladies. Rich will join us when he returns from New Jersey, but in the meantime I'm going solo.

Here's how I look trying to master the moves:

Here's how I THINK I look:

And then, when it's all's how I feel:

I'm making good progress on my piece. I'll have an update for you tomorrow. I was going to attempt a big long to do list today, but I think I'll just enjoy some stitchy time instead! 

What's new in your corner of the world, Dearies?


  1. As of today, nothing's new! I went to see my GP, thinking it wouldn't go beyond renewing my prescriptions and getting a recommendation for a physiotherapist to sort out my ankles. Hah! All sorts of x-rays later, I've got appointments lined up with various specialists, some for joints, some for lifting my eyelids (!). And after that, I just sat in a quiet corner and read a mystery novel that wasn't any good, but I loyally finished it anyway. Tomorrow it will go to the charity shop and perhaps find a kinder home than I could give it. And, also tomorrow, I'll go back to my huge Swans by Glorafilia, who need a lot of attention. Glad that your progress is better than mine!

  2. Love the photos. You're hilarious sometimes.

  3. The photos are the best!!!! Thanks as always for the chuckle

    Amy in NJ

  4. When I exercise, I always feel like my halo is glowing. Sometimes I warn KY husband to shield his eyes because my halo is glowing so brightly!

  5. Yay on the exercise photos, Coni! Heading off to attend stitch group shortly. Enjoy your Thursday!

  6. Both my boys went back to school this week so it is pretty quiet in my neck of the woods. I plan to go visit a neighbor later today with a gift to let her know we are thinking of her. She lost her sweet little pup Gord yesterday and lots of us know what that is like. My heart is broken for her.

  7. Haha I love those pictures :-)
