Aug 30, 2022


It was a doozy, but was mercifully short. I was ready to head for the clubhouse (which I presume is the safest place here in the complex), but Rich was completely non-plussed and decided to watch the action from the balcony.

I'm still quite draggy, but I'm forcing myself to do at least one or two things each day. Yesterday I finally went through my stitchy things and selected my next project:

As soon as I get my one or two things done today, I'm going to settle myself in with this beauty, fill up my sippy cup with my cold brew and protein, refresh my ice water, and get stitching.

What's up with you?


  1. I love this pattern. Sunflowers and hot air balloons. Such fun

  2. Oh ye of little faith..... Rich got it right.... wonder at the wonder.
    Up in the Air is a cutie and looks like fun to do... and hopefully will
    lift the draggy feelings....hope so.

  3. Beautiful choice for your next start, Coni! We had that storm yesterday afternoon. Boy, it was a doozy but as you said very short-lived.

  4. I might not be out on the patio with Jersey Boy, but I'd definitely be watching the storm.
    Up in the Air looks like a fun stitch with enough changes to keep the brain focused on it, but not so complicated that it requires lots of thinking.

  5. I love the Up in the Air pattern! I'll enjoy watching you stitch it.

  6. I'd be with Rich out on the balcony. I love watching a storm. We don't get anything too scary up here though.
    I love your new choice of project. It looks like it will be a fun stitch :)

  7. Love your new stitchy project, Coni!
