Aug 31, 2022


Rich left on the train bound for New Jersey last night, so today was all about getting ready for Spinstercation. First up...a re-stock of the fruit bowl and fridge with healthy provisions:

Next...a gathering of all of the newspapers and magazines that need to be read:

And finally...the assembly of a Fall stitching basket:

CS2 is nice and tidy, the plants are all watered, and I'm scrubbed clean and properly moisturized and ready to settle in with clean pj's and lots of iced lemon water. I've been bingeing Succession on the TeeVee, so methinks I'll finish it and look for something else to lay eyeballs on tomorrow.

Speaking of...tomorrow I will see my BeanTeam and hope to have a good report. I'm happy that my glucose level is down to 112 from a high of 140, and my creatinine is at 1.2, which is the best post-transplant level I've had!  My little bout of the blecks is, I'm convinced, Crohn's related, so for now, I'm going to continue hydrating, resting, and focusing on getting some exercise each day.

That's the report for the day, Dearies! Hopefully I'll have some good stitchy progress to share soon and a good report from Dr Yaqub!


  1. Those are dang good numbers, so I think the Bean Team will be pleased!

    My Dr let me go back to work part time, so yesterday was my first day back in the office. While I hated having to put on my "real" clothes & struggled to re-engage my smartass filter, it was nice to be around other people again!

    Enjoy your Spinstercation!

  2. You certainly know how to put your world in fine about
    setting up are well prepared. Hope you get only good
    news from your Dr. and a solution to the "blecks".... Rich is fortunate to reach his destination by rail... I miss train travel...a sane way to get wherever. I used to do the CT./ Williamsbug VA run and thought it most relaxing time....Enjoy your week of catching up with relaxing occupation.

  3. What a lovely set of fall stitching projects! You have your spinstercation down to a science! I hope your Dr is as thrilled with your progress as we are!

  4. HI Coni, Which Long Dog sampler did you pick?
    M in nC

    1. I'm working through Hoity Toity...lots of lovely Fall colors!

  5. If I were to travel, I would love to go by train. Here's to a wonderful Spinstercation! Hope your appointment with the BeanTeam went well and smoothly. Lovely fall basket choices, Coni!

  6. Good news on the health front. Enjoy your staycation and lots of good for you food.

  7. I highly recommend Brokenwood Mysteries on Acorn TV. Great series.

  8. Your frog photo inspired me to go clean my frig!

    Hope your appt went well!
