Jul 7, 2022


 I confess to not being sure what I think about the movie...the accents (or lack thereof) drove me nuts...but one thing I know for sure is that my Amish/English/Midwestern US spoiled rotten little dog would have loved it. I can imagine that he would have donned his best Gucci smoking jacket and ordered me about with demands for an Aperol spritzer, while waving a candy cigarette around in a long pearl holder.

The nails are still Lily & Fox wraps. I find that this is the best $3 manicure a girl could wish for, and the strength and health of my nail beds and cuticles has improved dramatically. Silly, I know, for me to tart them up like this, but I really do love having crazy nails as I sit here contemplating my navel. 

(Stewey would most definitely NOT approve.)

I'm off to an appointment and a few errands, and then it's home to stitch, Dearies. I've cleared my whole afternoon to do so! Onward!


  1. Coni, I love the nails. Hope your appointment went smoothly. Happy Thursday!

  2. I heard that exact feedback about the accents on House of Gucci from other people. I haven't seen it yet though.

    Your nail are always so pretty! They are well shaped and look strong. I keep thinking I might try nail wraps but my nails are very prone to breaking and are not strong at all.

    1. The Like & Fox wraps don't damage your nails at all. They're barely a sticker. I love them, but my nails are too wide for them 😡 But it's only $3 to find out

  3. I think it is perfectly fine for you to play with your nails. That is a very snazzy pattern too. I do hope Stewey would have let you have a little bit of fun, I'm sure he'd be a little lenient because he was a kindly pup. From Kerry xx
