Jun 8, 2022


Dearies, I promise you that I am not, and have not, given up on this here blog! I might stop doing the Instagram and FaceBook thingies, but this here blog is my "diary" and lifeline to the world! There seems to be some confusion about my recent lack of daily postings, and it's presumed that I'm ending Spinster Stitcher.



I'm here for as long as you'll have me. I honestly confess that I am seriously considering abandoning social media, but that has nothing to do with this or the family of friends that I've made here.

So, please don't give up on me just yet. I swear I just need a minute to make sure JB behaves and doesn't fall down the stairs or poke himself in the eye or light something on fire.



  1. I love your blog so much! I’m with you on the social media front. I could live without it. I tell people I’m the worst social media friend ever because I rarely go on, but your blog I would desperately miss. Thanks for all the fun, so glad you aren’t going anywhere, and happy blogaversary! All the best to your patient!

  2. Every time I see your blog, I'm happy. Even if what you have to tell isn't cheerful in itself, the contact that you can make with so many people must help you as much as it delights and encourages us. Instagram and I don't get along, and I've got a whole five, go on - count them - 5 facebook friends, and I only ever 'talk' to them on WhatsApp. Anyway, two are my children and one is deceased but I can't close him out yet. JB's eyes will need a lot of rest, which gives you a lot to do, but that's fine. Enjoy each other's company, and keep us informed every so often. Even if it's only, or not at all, needlepoint-related! We all love the personal touches too. All the best from South Africa

  3. Oh Coni, thank you for the chuckle about JB lighting something on fire. Guess you will need to take away his matches or lighter.

  4. I've chosen not to use any social media for several years, and I am more at peace because of that decision. I love your blog also. So funny.

  5. I think a break from social media is good. I think your blog is more then that. You write so well and you're so gracious to share with us. I'm not sure if your are familiar with Mary Fons she does a blog like yours. She took a break and now she's back but with less frequent posting. I don't want you to stop posting, but you do what you need to do. And thank you this blog is a blessing to me (which I know sounds silly : )

  6. I love reading your blog but take all the time you need.

  7. If I was only allowed to read one blog, it would be yours - no matter how often or infrequently you are able to post.

  8. Men absolutely need supervision. Take as much time as you need. We are all waiting because your posts provide a beautiful respite from the daily drudge.

    Left my husband alone with our BIL and now hubby has a broken ankle from falling off a ladder.

    Amy in NJ

  9. Ditto what Susan said above. Take all the time you need :)

  10. So look forward to your posts. I understand when you need breaks, but I miss you then. So glad to hear you won't stop. Debby in CO

  11. We understand 🙂
