May 27, 2022


Remember this beauty? Her stitching is complete, and has been for quite some time. Now it's time to add the hundreds and thousands and millions and billions of beads and baubles!

I hope that you have a lovely, peaceful, happy, perfect weekend, Dearies! Come tell me all about it!


  1. My goodness! She looks insanely complicated ... can't imagine how long it took her to put those clothes on, and - worse! - how long it took you to stitch them into such amazing reality. And now the beads ... sooner you than me, pal: I know my limitations. But she'll be a welcome sight once she's all baubled up. Enjoy her, and please keep us informed.

  2. Enjoy the beading and baubling up, Coni! Once we return from the farmers' market, I am hermiting inside 'cuz it is supposed to be hot and humid for the weekend.

  3. Hopefully I'll be staying home and get things in the garden this weekend. I do remember this project - a Mirabella(?) design? She's very pretty, and will be gorgeous once the bling is added.

  4. Time to tart her up!

  5. Hi, I missed the original post for this pattern, could I please have the name of the cross stitch. Thank you

    1. This is Princess Elliana from Mirabilia.

  6. How brave. Beading takes forever. I have to admit that every time I do a Nora design I edit the beads and always do lots less than on the original. X

  7. Beading is so much fun! She is going to look amazing with all her sparkles on!
