Apr 21, 2022


We have friends coming this weekend for a South Bend Cubs game on Friday night and the Notre Dame Blue Gold Game (Spring practice) on Saturday. I haven't done a thing to plan or organize things since I haven't felt well, so Rich has been running to and fro securing tickets, ordering food, etc.

I did my nails:

In other news, I stitched quite a bit last night while the Philadelphia 76ers were playing the basketball on the TeeVee:

I'm singing off now, Dearies, and probably won't be back until Monday morning. I hope your corner of the world is exactly as you'd like it to be! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Those there nails are truly stunning! Such a beautiful shade of green. Flash them at whoever comes your way, and brighten their day. I'm also liking the birds and blossoms, especially that show-off bird that's far too big for its tree ... ! Such fun.

  2. Such pretty nails! The stitching is looking great too. Glad you are feeling better. Enjoy your weekend entertaining.

  3. Your nails look so pretty. Have a wonderful weekend spending time with your friends, Coni.

  4. Hope you have a lovely weekend with your friends! Love the new nails! How do you remove them? The last set I had tore a layer of nail off with them.

  5. Your nails are beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend --- enjoy every moment!

  6. Beautiful nails and beautiful stitching 😍
