Apr 10, 2022


So sorry to worry you, dear friends. I have been spending a LOT of time sleeping, and when I'm not sleeping, I'm stitching and watching the TeeVee. Also, I am really trying to limit my time on the iPad thingie, since hours and hours were going by with my eyeballs glued to the screen and not much else was getting done!

I am going to attempt a water class tomorrow. I've been cleared to do so by my Bean Team since I've been on the antibiotics for enough time. It is a gentle joint relief class that will consist of slow movements in the warm therapy pool, so I am really looking forward to it!

(I just hope I don't fall asleep!)

I did manage to stick some new wraps on my nails a few days ago. The Springy colors really cheer me up on gloomy days, and we have had a LOT of those here in Hoosierville lately!

Now I'm off to the big girl sleigh bed to slurp some damn good and read the Sunday papers! 

I hope your Sunday is swell! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Good to hear, Coni. Keep getting better. Love the Easter Egg-y nails :) -p.

  2. So happy to hear you are feeling better! Enjoy your class tomorrow!

  3. Glad to hear from you, water exercises sound good.

  4. Love the nails and glad you are just staying off the iPad thingie! I get it. Stitch, stitch, stitch and rest. Happy pool time!

  5. Coni, glad to hear you are feeling better. The water class sounds interesting. Your new stitch is looking good. Love the new wraps on your fingernails. Happy Monday!

  6. Perfect nails for dispelling the gloom.. That barometer has a mind of its own.... Lovely fresh start and the plan for taking it easy
    and on to water fun sounds pretty doable....

  7. Glad to hear everything is ok! Love the new nails! I am waiting for my spring wraps to arrive. I am hoping to get them before the weekend so I can have them on for Easter.
    Your new project is gorgeous! I just love those shades of blue and red together :)

  8. Love your nail wraps - so spring-like!
