Apr 6, 2022


Coffee Bird
Heart In Hand
28ct Platinum fabric
Classic Colorworks threads per the chart

 Good morning, Dearies.

I'm up at 6am today, but not necessarily because I want to be. My little world here in Hoosierville is decidedly OUT OF WHACK, and no matter how many prayers I say, breaths I take, or glasses of water I guzzle...I just do not feel well.

At all.

Yes, yes, yes...I know to call my Indy team, and will do so the minute my coordinator reaches her desk. I suspect that I might have a bug of some sort, because a few of my labs were off and symptoms indicate that an antibiotic and lots of cranberry juice might be in my future (if you get my drift).

(And no, Betty, before you ask...I have not been to the gym. My better angels have prevailed and I am paying careful attention to not pushing it and getting a lot of fluids and rest.)

I am also not paying attention to what I'm shoving into my face, and after a stern talking to in the middle of the night, I realized that there's no sense in making myself feel worse by drowning it in Panera scones and Homestyle Rice Krispy Treats. What's with me and the sugar all of a sudden? I was always so happy that I lost my sweet tooth circa 2001, but lately I'm gorging on anything frosted.

Tonight, though, I have already decided on a nice Greek salad and a piece of oven roasted salmon. The fact that I'm actually looking forward to it must mean that my tiny little brain has a spark of healthy cravings left.

Stitching has been such a wonderful distraction lately, and I can't wait to play with my basket today to see what pops onto the q-snaps. I am really thinking about the Red Bird Sampler, and have realized that I seem to be on quite a bird kick lately! Maybe because I'm so bird brained?

In any event, I'm here. It might take me a few more hot minutes to get BACK IN WHACK (*) but I am, as always, determined to do so.

(Sit, black dog! Sit!)

(*) The moment I typed BACK IN WHACK, I started to hear AC/DC's BACK IN BLACK. Do you suppose I should print the lyrics and change them to suit this mood of mine and then use it as a theme song?


  1. Love the Coffee Bird finish! Coni, I am sorry you are not feeling up to par, but glad you are going to put in a call to your team. Thinking of you and praying you are feeling better soon.

  2. Ditto to Robin. Thank goodness for the distraction of stitching, and cranberry juice and antibiotics!
    How do you make your oven roasted salmon? That’s on our menu tonight too!!
    Prayers are with you as always!!🙏🏼

  3. Nice finish! We're all entitled to go a little (food) crazy once in awhile... Feel better soon...luv

  4. Hopefully you're just feeling crappy because of what you suspect and a prescription antibiotic will have you feeling better in no time at all. Also, try a hand full of dried cranberries in your oatmeal, they're really good for bladder health and in preventing a UTI. Like you, I have been feasting on way too much sugar this winter and spring so I need to make some changes to my diet. Less sugar for one. Easier said than done of course. Feel better.

  5. Sorry you're not feeling too well, Coni. Hope it passes soon for you x

  6. Sorry you are out of kilter and you are doing the right thing by not gyming it. Hopefully you will get it sorted soon. Meanwhile I really love that coffee birdy and the steamy mugs. Take care xxx

  7. I'm sorry you don't feel good! Rest soundly and stitch as needed 🙂

  8. Cute finish! I hope you feel better soon!

  9. Hope you are well! Check in when you can; we all miss you!

  10. Worried about you, are you OK?
    Praying for you

  11. I'm with Ellen and Liz. Getting worried. Hope all is well and you're just taking a spring break.

  12. Hope you can check in soon! Thinking of you.

  13. Hope all is well too. Hang in there and get well soon xx

  14. Sending good thoughts, prayers, hugs. --p.
