Mar 20, 2022


I woke up this morning thinking I would stay in pajamas and stitch all day.


First, I stripped the bed, washed all of the "Winter" bedding, washed a set of sheets that I found at the top of the linen closet in their original package from when I moved here five years ago (😳), re-made the bed with "Spring" bedding, re-potted succulents, made a grocery order, and what can only be described as an act of sheer lunacy...emptied the entire contents of the bathroom cupboard, culled it, cleaned it, and re-organized it to within an inch of its life, packed my gym bag for the morning, wrote a to do list for next week, and washed the bathroom rugs.



So now I'm sitting here at 7:34 pm waiting to watch the Notre Dame basketball game with what is most assuredly a headache due to overwork.

Damnit, Gumby.

Oh...and then...just because I wasn't tired enough...I organized my needle minders:

Happy Sunday, Dearies! I really hope your day was restful, stitchy, and exactly as you wanted it to be!


  1. WOW! It's been quite a while since I've been that ambitious! 👍👌


  2. But you feel good that it is done. That is what Spring does to us. I couldn't concentrate in my sewing room, could not accomplish anything despite having so many projects. I realized it was too cluttered. I sorted through everything and gave 3 large Hefty bags of items away, 2 more were thrown out, and 1 is going to Goodwill. I can think clearly in there now, it's wonderful.

  3. Just reading this made me tired! I hope the basketball went according to plan.

  4. Wow that was some busy day! I love the succulents, Coni. I had a day of gardening then decided to throw in some DIY to finish off!

  5. Your succulents are looking good, Coni. What a burst of spring cleaning that hit you. Who won the basketball game?

  6. Got outside and tilled my little garden, raked in the compost and peat, and formed some rows so my grand daughter can plant her peas soon. So good to have that burst of energy. Watched NCAAW games too. Well done Coni.

  7. My Sunday task was cleaning the grill after DH found the stinking thieving raccoons ran off with the little grease catcher pan sometime since the grill was last used. Stole it clean away, not to be found now. Grease splattered all over the inside when I grilled chicken Saturday night.

    You got lots accomplished yesterday, far more than I do on a normal day!

  8. You were busy! I love your succulent planter. Hope you are relaxing today after all that :)

  9. Such ambition rides on the plan to relax and stitch.. the
    Sabbath turnaround....Wish I could partake of a fraction of
    you energy output.... I did stitch and followed usual Sunday

  10. Cleaning, organizing and de-cluttering my bathroom cupboards is on my spring to-do list. Definitely not looking forward to it. Congrats that yours is done. Love the pot of succulents.

  11. Mercy! You earned a vacation on the beach somewhere!

  12. You are amazing!!! Love how you organized your bathroom - this is something I need to do - too many bottles and jars and stuff that I will never use.
    Your collection of needle minders are great! I put mine on a fabric covered steel plate that was framed and now there is no more room for another one. Well, maybe I will start another one.
    God bless you, keep you in good health! Maybe it is time to think about another Stewey!!!
