Mar 22, 2022


Yesterday was just not at all pretty, Dearies. My Sunday activity/frenzy laid me completely f.l.a.t. and miserable. Everything hurt, I couldn't get myself out of bed, and all I wanted to do was sleep.

So I did.

In what might be a first, Yours Truly actually listened to her body and gave it a lovely, long rest. The biggest accomplishment is that I didn't feel one bit bad about it, and I stayed home in my pajamas without guilt.

Today, I am back on track and getting ready to return to the gym for a slow walk on the treadmill followed by a nice long soak in the therapy pool. 

I've had quite a few notes from Dearies worried about me left to my own devices at a gym. The one that I've joined is owned and operated by one of our hospital systems and offers several wonderful programs specifically for medical recovery, therapy, etc. I will have a complete evaluation on April 8th, and will then take classes geared toward strength and balance, flexibility, etc.

Until then, I am being super careful to walk slowly on the treadmill for my bones and heart, and move about in the therapy pool for my all is well, Dearies. All is well.

I did stitch last night while watching my Lady Irish advance in the basketball tournament. (Sadly, my boys weren't so lucky, and lost to Texas Tech in a valiant effort.)

Here's the progress:

I hope your day is wonderful, and that you get to do whatever it is you want to do! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Looking good love the red birds!

  2. When your body says "Rest!" It's time to do so! As I've gotten older I've learned to not stress if everything doesn't get done, and that world won't end I'd towels are washed Monday instead of Saturday. No one is keeping score (except me!)....Age brings wisdom (hopefully)😊😉👍


  3. I'm glad the gym you joined has hospital backing and experience with medical recovery. It seems many gyms follow the "no pain no gain" or "push through the pain" philosophy, which isn't good for everyone, especially every day.

  4. Bower Birds is looking great, Coni. Glad you listened to your body and rested. Hope your walk on the treadmill and time in the pool went well. There is nothing wrong with taking it slowly.

  5. You are properly taking care of yourself, atta girl!

  6. Beautiful progress! And good for you for just taking the day to rest.

  7. Hospital gyms are great - special bods on standby should anything untoward happen. HRH went after his heart attack, he said it was one place where you could go and not get left waiting on the sidelines by the intense fitness junkies that tended to hog the machines.
    Glad you had a restful session - more importantly, not feel guilty as you really don't need to. The stitching has come on so nicely too. Here, we have sun for a bit longer. Things are being planted and seedlings popping up! Have a great day!
