Mar 9, 2022



Well, let's see. I've been sleeping, cooking, eating, laundry-ing, bill-paying, and generally vegging for about three days now. All in all, not a bad way to spend one's time, no? have asked me lots of questions in the comments, but for some reason I am unable to post responses to them. Three in particular stick in my head, so I'll answer them here:

My round bed coffee tray comes from Target. I have a small one and a larger one and love them both. With the proliferation of charcuterie trays (or, as I prefer to call them...cheese and crackers snack plates), they are readily available for good prices.

Betty is the name that I've given to my hater(s). I regularly get awful emails that point out every single thing that's wrong with me, shames every choice I make, berates me for talking about anything other than stitching, and wishes that I would just shut up already and crawl back under the rock from whence I came. I used to be completely gutted by these little gems, but now I kinda' get a kick out of just how much I can peeve somebody off by just being me.

The silly nail wraps are from a company called Lily&Fox and you can buy them online on their website, which is . I have also purchased them from Beyond Polish (also on the web), but they are a dollar and fifty cents more there, and I am, after all, a Spinster on a budget.

I really am sorry that I can't seem to figure out how to respond to each and every one of your comments, and I do hope you will continue to post them. If I've missed your question, please please please send it again, and I'll try to get an answer for you!

Happy Futzingday, Dearies! Do something fun and come tell me all about it!


  1. I enjoy reading about everything you write in your blog! As for the Bettys-well Bless Their Hearts as we say in the south!

  2. You keep doing you!! Let the Betty’s be miserable, and the rest of us will continue to enjoy all of your adventures. Enjoy your day!

  3. You should publish the Betty emails on the blog so we can all respond. Why do these people read your blog if they dislike it???

  4. I agree with Linda's comment! Why are the Betty's of the world so interested in your life and your blog? They need to move on! Ignore the ignorance, they are massively jealous!!!!!
    You are doing great, obeying the doctors and accomplishing many projects!!!!

  5. My super-fun futzing day involved getting 19 years of junk out of my car in preparation to pick up its replacement this evening. Yes, I have been driving a PT Cruiser for 19 years, actually 19 and a half! Its new-to-me replacement has all kinds of electronics doodads. It will probably take me months to remember how to adjust the temperature, much less have the car answer my phone!

  6. I have something to say to the Bettys of this world, but it's not fit for this polite company. Your life is none of her (their) business. You're doing fine. Keep on keeping on!

  7. Thanks for the info on the nail wraps. They offer free shipping to Canada! So I now have some nail wraps on the way :)

  8. Love your blog & reading about all you do. The Bettys of the world can all take a long walk off a short pier...*SMH at people*

  9. Glad you have answered the question about Betty, I must admit I have often wondered who she is and what she said. More than once I have gone back to read comments to try and find out, but of course she isn't there, deleted and in the bin as deserved. Some people must have a real problem. Glad to hear it doesn't bother you.

  10. I'll bet those Bettybods never practice what they preach though.
    Wet and windy here, thinking of hibernating! But getting our veg seeds sown, just waiting to plant some that are ready when/if the weather improves. But I'm looking at the camelias outside the window and they are looking lovely this year in spite of the wet and windy storms.

  11. To Betty: Pfffffffft! Just go away

  12. Oh Coni, I am glad that you had a good Futzing Day along with the productiveness. Keep on being you, dear Coni! And to the Bettys in the world, just remember a thing called karma. Have a good Thursday, my friend!

  13. Thank you for the clarification about Betty. I see I wasn't the only one wondering. As Jan, above, commented, "As we say in the South, Bless their hearts," I relate. I'm an old-fashioned Southern girl and I say that a lot. I don't think we should see "her" posts, because we'd be tempted to reply to them; we'd be descending to "her" level and wasting our energy too. Jesus says, "Love your enemies" -- I guess in this case it means pray for them.... I do enjoy your positive attitude toward life and your witty comments.

  14. Just delete any crazy bettys! You are awesome. I would like them to do 3-4 years of dialysis. Followed by a transplant. My gosh….some people ……. They are going to live a short miserable life! Hang in there! Love your blog.

  15. I don't know why some people feel like it is their duty in life to make other feel bad. There's got to be something. . . anything better to do. You go on just being you and feeling terrific about it.
