Feb 10, 2022


My JB took me to the Notre Dame vs Louisville basketball game last night, and we sat center court. It was a lot of fun, and I got to watch the handsome Coach Brey stalk the sidelines and bat my eyelashes at him:

The halftime show was Red Panda. Have you ever seen her? She balances atop a six foot high unicycle and flips bowls onto her head. 

She's amazing.

Today has been a very very laaaaaaazzzzzyyyyy day. It's 4pm, and I have been sitting in my pajamas slurping both hot and cold damn good and contemplating starting this:

It's a freebie, and I'm using fabric and thread from my stash. Hopefully my motivation will kick in and I can get a few hours in before bedtime.

Quiet, but lovely here in Spinsterville today, Dearies. I hope your corner of the world is the same!



  1. Where did you find the freebie? Very fun!

  2. Quiet is good especially after being out at an athletic event, Coni.

  3. What a sweet pattern! Can't wait to see what thread you have chosen for it :)
