Feb 27, 2022


My Irish defeated Michigan 2-1 last night in a very exciting game. We were told to wear green, so I fished out a 4x hoodie, layered it up, slapped on some eyeliner, and ventured out.

My sister said that Rich looks terrified in this picture. He was probably worried that I was going to try to stand up or do something else crazy.

I just love these green hockey outfits. I might have to put one of these babies on my wish list. (The outfit, Dearies. Not the cute boys in them.)

One of the traditions at Notre Dame is the playing of the 1812 Overture at the beginning of the third quarter/period of a game:

It was an awful lot of fun, but the sitting and walking did me in again. I am really looking forward to the day when my stamina returns. This not being able to move about thing is for the birds.

Today has dawned sunny and cold, so I suspect there will be lots of damn good slurping, cozy blanket application, and stitching on this beauty:

Happy Sunday, Dearies! 


  1. 2 things:

    1. LOVE the mask!
    2. Your hair looked TERRIFIC!

    At least you left the house this weekend. I'm still working on that...

  2. Go Irish! Loved the reflections on the ice rink. Love Tchaikovsky too, next in line is Greig, Strauss (either), Smetana and Sibelius! Little bit by little, you will be fitter, no rush, you are doing brilliantly! xx

  3. Coni, have a look at spoon theory to explain and manage your fatigue. I have recently come across it in relation to stage 4 cancer. It was originally developed by someone with Lupus to explain to her friend how chronic fatigue affected her life but I have also found it useful to remind myself that I'm not a wuss, I just need to be realistic.

  4. Coni, love your shamrock mask and the hair. Glad you were able to go and enjoy; remember to give yourself grace with the fatigue as your body is still healing from getting the new bean.

  5. That regained energy hill is a whopper to climb, but just look
    how far you have come...also you are looking damn good from
    drinking all that DG.....

  6. Oh how fun! And your stitching is looking lovely!

  7. What a crowd!!
    What a fun tradition !!!
    Soooooooo, hockey 🏒
