Jan 4, 2022


I made pretty good progress on my little Mill Hill Santa yesterday while watching old Sex And The City episodes. The laundry is doing its thing, so I guess it's time to pick up my needle and get back to it!

A nice surprise in the late post...a Christmas present from over the pond from Rich:

My collection of Sam Toft pieces grows with each passing year! I just love this one, and especially like how Doris patiently awaits her tea. Minus the patience, does it remind you of anybody?

Cold, but lovely and sunny here in Hoosierville. I'm so very sorry about the bad things happening elsewhere, and pray that those of you affected by it all are safe. 

Happy Laundry Tuesday, Dearies! Come tell me all about your neck of the woods!


  1. We here in s. w. Ontario seem to be having the same kind of weather as you - a lovely day for a walk if you're bundled up properly! I have a few quilting projects to work on, and then I'll knit while my TV shows are on.

  2. I love your posts! Today I had a bit of a reading problem and kept wondering what program had "old sex"....(right after your Santa photo)..:) Sequel to follow, I am sure!
    Lisa, SF Bay Area

  3. Here in Alberta I am bloody freezing, stitching is the only thing to do. I love following your posts.

  4. That is a lovely gift! And how nice that it stretched out the holiday season a little longer for you :) Great progress on your snowman!

  5. There's been a 10 degrees drop in temperature since the weekend, so it's cold here in the UK, but at least it's what it should be for our winter weather. I'm getting wrapped up warm to go out and help with vaccinating our cows this morning, so no stitching for me, yet.

  6. Snowman is taking shape nicely. Glad all is fine.
    Here, builders are back and I'm back in the saddle with the birds and the veg. Pity it is so blinking cold - I neeeeedz to put things in the ground! LOL!

  7. Your Santa is looking good, Coni! What a beautiful gift to receive!
