Dec 14, 2021


Hi, Dearies.

I certainly didn't mean to alarm you with an absence...I had a lazy Sunday and Monday and tried to stay off of the iPad thingie as much as I could. I feel sometimes like I am playing with this thing 24/7 and not getting anything else accomplished (like stitching and reading), so every now and then I leave it plugged in and get on with other things.

Nothing too new to report. In a few minutes I will see my transplant team and get the latest report. I know that one area I need to address is to be a little better about watching what I'm eating, but so far today I am on a good path...a banana, yogurt with blueberries, and a big fat navel orange for breakfast! My mom used to call them Christmas oranges, since it seems like we always enjoyed them around Christmastime. 

I'm enjoying the little Mill Hill project pictured above. I thought I would have finished it by now, but I keep getting distracted by something shiny and am constantly pulled away from it. We'll see if we can remedy that today and make some good progress on him!

Your posts of all of your ornaments and decorations are keeping me occupied, fascinated, a bit jealous, and very very glad to be in the Christmas spirit! I didn't do much in the way of tarting up CS2 this year, but I'm as excited for Christmas as a little kid. (I guess that's pretty normal for me).

Happy Tuesday to one and all! I hope the day takes you someplace wonderful! Come tell me all about it!


  1. Happy Tuesday! Finding a balance between your Ipad thingy and other activities like stitching, reading, and even chores is hard. I know that I have been limiting my time on the computer because the day escapes and not much gets accomplished. Have a good meeting with your team!

  2. Good for you taking time to do other things, rather than being on the ipad! Enjoy your stitching :-)

  3. We woke up to a dusting of snow and it is 26 as I write this. Unfortunately this will be gone by Christmas and no snow is predicted for the Holiday. Good for those traveling. Had our guild pot luck/gift exchange Monday...quilters are so much fun and good cooks. So glad you can get the Holiday spirit without a lot of "tarting up" but it is fun to see the decorations once a year, isn't it. Glad you are feeling so good!!!!

  4. It is always good to unplug and just be sometimes :)
