Dec 30, 2021


Boy...these milestones are coming fast and furious! Sometimes it feels like yesterday...other times it feels like a lifetime ago.  All I do know, is that each and every day has been a celebration of gratitude and I can't wait to see what's next!


  1. Congrats on a great checkup and 3 month kidney-versary! Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!!

  2. Another great milestone. May there be many more with your new little buddy.

  3. You hold the promise of the future in your hands and it seems
    you are pursuing it with wisdom and vigor.... Wishing you all the energy and determination needed to advance in the New Year.

  4. A great milestone to reach. Happy New Year!

  5. We can't wait for what's next either! Following your story has been a source of great happiness, and I look forward to lots more to come.Thank you for enriching so many lives.
