Nov 3, 2021


Very rough night last night, Dearies, so I am a bit draggy this morning. Nothing serious...just some tummy issues that are to be expected with all of these new meds on board. I am lounging and resting and calling this a recovery day today, so all will be well very soon.

Figuring out how not to overdo things is hard for me, as it has always been. Yesterday was nuts with appointments, procedures, and then laundry, so I probably should have paced myself a bit better and saved some energy for today.

Here's what I call my scooter:

I got this as a means of carrying things and giving me a little extra stability when walking long distances. I am walking and moving and such very well without any assistance and have been since leaving the hospital, but I cannot lift anything and needed a way to tote things without doing so if I went to clinic by myself. This little gizmo also gave me the added security of a little seat to park myself for a rest if I needed it, and the psychological benefit of having it has made all the difference.

Today is going to be quiet and healthy. I'm going to pay particular attention to food choices today and concentrate on frequent small meals of good proteins and lots and lots of lemon water to keep me plump and hydrated. 

Baby steps.

Happy Futzingday! Do something futzy and come tell me all about it!


  1. Sounds like a good plan for today. Rest up Coni!

  2. Your plan for the day sounds good! I’m heading out for my daily walk soon, then home to work on Christmas ornaments. I have 3 finished, 4 1/2 to go ☹️ I really need to buckle down and be diligent!

  3. Hope you day of rest has made you right as rain :) Now I'm thinking I need my own scooter. Ha!

  4. Sounds like a plan! You got this dear Spinster!

  5. Hope your recovery day did the trick for you, Coni. It's hard to pace oneself when you start to feel better.....I speak from experience haha. Take care :-)

  6. Hope you are feeling less draggy today, Coni. Thinking of you!

  7. So pleased you are recovering well, Coni. Much love from the UK xx
