Nov 24, 2021


Apparently, I'm being tested by the universe to see if I've learned any lessons.


I'm still trying to rule the world with my hair on fire, going a hundred miles an hour, with one eye closed, and a big vat of damn good in my hand.



Yesterday was just one big exercise on frustration, because I got very very little done. I decided to start by flipping my closet and putting all of my clothes away, but I got towels washed and that was about it. I had to sit down about every fifteen minutes to rest, and by the time 5:00 rolled around, I was completely wiped out and ready for bed.


BUT! Somewhere around 10:30 last night I flipped the script, sat upright in the big girl sleigh bed, and gave myself a little smack about the head.

I have a new kidney! 

And I don't have to cram everything into two days a week now, because I don't have to go to dialysis anymore! 

And I'm HOME in my own bed and with my own things and with everything that makes me happy all around me!

So I said my gratitude prayers again and gave myself a little pat and promised myself that I would just do what I could do and when I got tired I would stop and rest and be grateful that I could do so and just stop my moaning and kvetching.

I actually think this has more to do with the fact that I'm not 22 years old anymore. Age brought a lot of changes to me fast, and the transplant threw into specific relief the differences between being able to clean the entire house, run errands, get dressed, and go out cavorting...all on a Saturday...and having to take a nap after folding some towels.

So yes, the Spinster Stitcher is learning the baby steps and celebrating each and every one. I'm going to finish my damn good and see where the day takes me. And if it takes me back to the big girl sleigh be it. 

What can I say, Dearies? I'm a slow learner and always have been. Don't worry...I'll get it together eventually, and until I do, I am really really super mindful of my obligation to take care of myself and this kidney. As my beloved Dr G would say "You've got a new life now. Don't eff it up".


  1. Recovery and recuperation is the the R&R! Live it and love it!!

  2. Recovery from major health incidents/changes takes time. Three years out I am still hitting a solid brick wall of sheer utter exhaustion just randomly out of the blue. What I’ve learned is this is my new reality. Adjust and go with it. Rest. The world wasn’t made in a day.

  3. You have GOT to take care of yourself --- give yourself permission to rest and to take those baby steps. We are all praying for you and your happy and complete recovery!

  4. I think I'd like your Dr. G- ;)

  5. Stop guilt-tripping and allow yourself to go at your new pace. When rest is called for, it is a God wink from above to remind you that you need to stop, take inventory and allow
    yourself to retrench for a day....after all, it will all get done...sooner or later... Bet, you would not have been
    towel-less. You will only get stronger by allowing your body
    to recoup through rest....Enuff! Go get a bon-bon and recline.

  6. A smile lit up my face when you said on Monday that you didn't have to go to dialysis..... THAT had to be a sobering moment of how your life has changed for the better.... Happy Thanksgiving, indeed 😀😀

  7. It is a fine revelation that you had - no more dialysis! Now take it easy because you have time on your side now. I like your Dr! LOL!

  8. That's right! If it takes you all week to get your closet rearranged then so be it! You have all the time in the world now :)

  9. Today I am rhankful that you got a new kidney, the surgery was successful, now you are recovering at CS2, and coming here to tell us all about it. Have a great day!

  10. Coni, it is definitely okay to slow down and also rest when you are tired. You are still recovering from major surgery. But I do understand the mindset of cramming everything in two days. It will take time to be released from it along with practice. Wishing you and your JB a Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. LOL. To quote my neurosurgeon during my 4 week postop laminar to my telehealth appointment: “DEBBIE. You had MAJOR spinal surgery! It will take awhile for your energy to return to normal!” Maybe we are related??? Debbie in Kansas
