Oct 7, 2021


This morning's adventure brings us to my very first TOPA clinic. This is where I will come two to three times a week at the heiney crack of dawn to get poked, prodded, tested, and looked at by the team to make sure that all is well.

At the moment my biggest concern is the incision and the pain of it, but I have to remember that this was a little bit more intense than a brow wax. Abdominal muscles do so much for us, and considering the size of my girthitude, I'm sure that fat being cut through hurts too.

I managed to get completely organized last night and put clothes away and get my stitchy things together and put things in their places. Then I took what amounted to a sink bath with some special no-rinse foamy soap and did a good dry shampoo scrub. I can't take a shower until the central line comes out, and that might be another week or so (yikes!), but maintaining good hygene is critical.

Oh wait.


Sorry about that.

Denise is coming for the weekend to give my beloved JB a break. I swear, this man is doing things he never thought himself capable of doing, but I'm worried about what this stress is doing to him. He can barely move because of a sore back, and walking any distance is as hard on him as it is on me, but he has the added burden of pushing me in a wheelchair!

Pray for him, please.

I'll close for now. My eyes are getting a bit heavy.

God bless and keep you all, Dearies! My team here knows almost all of you by name because I can't stop talking about what you all have done for me. 

Have fun today and come tell me all about it!


  1. Big squishy hugs to you & JB. I just did a happy dance when I found not one, but two new posts from you! Go easy on yourself & ask Rich to do the same.

    Blessed be!

  2. Very glad you've made it to this next phase of recovery. Prayers for you, JB, Denise and your care team.

  3. Coni you keep up your important work of healing and rest assured your JB is in my prayers(and countless others of this wonderful community you have gathered I'm sure) as well. Back troubles stink!!!

  4. Coni: It is so good to hear that you are discharged and making good progress. The wheelchair makes a good rolling walker as long as JB is not pushing you uphill. Best wishes to the both of you for smooth recovery.
    M in NC

  5. Prayers for your continued recovery and for JB sore back. Rest well my dear and let God do His work.

  6. Continued prayers for your recovery journey, Coni! Prayers for your JB and your care team.

  7. Hopefully a bit of stitching or sewing today, maybe see if I can do battle with the printer to get it working with new computer. GRRR Canon - keep your drivers updated for new OS that comes out!!!

    I'm SO glad you are out of hospital and settled into new temporary digs. Your incision sounds a bit larger and different direction than mine, but then I "only" had a kidney yanked, not replaced, so they didn't need as much room to hook everything back up. Just as reference, IIRC it took me about 2 weeks before I felt like the incision was healed enough that my insides wouldn't fall out. And was it 4 or 6 weeks before I was given the OK to do stomach crunches again. Not that I did them, but I could if I wanted to. It took about 8 weeks before I could tolerate my jeans again. In that time, my mind was also recovering - anesthesia and the physical healing knocked my interest in doing anything other than sleep, my ability to focus, and my memory to the curb for a few weeks. It was about 3-4 months before I really felt totally normal. In other words - healing will take a bit, so relax, rest, eat good healing foods, and try not to fret about it. Revel in those little things you suddenly realize you can do again without pain or being exhausted.

    Two things - do your walking (as soon as they say to do it) and keep a pillow handy. Yes it will get reallllly boring walking around your hotel room fast, do it anyway. The pillow (they did tell you to keep one close, didn't they?) will help with standing up and sitting down without feeling like your insides going to burst forth, besides being highly important to have close in case of sneezing or coughing. As to the bathing situation and TMI - anyone who's had surgery or cared for one who's had surgery already knows about that - consider it education for those that haven't.

    Sorry if all that might sounds like a lecture - it's not! Except for the walking thing - that's a lecture :-) I hope sharing my experience allows you to give yourself a break if your healing doesn't progress as fast as you think it should. I think all your readers have a suspicion that somewhere in your mind, you have the idea that you should be tap dancing this time next week.

    So sorry JB has a back giving fits. He's been a trooper on this. I hope he feels better very soon.

  8. So how did you like your "bird bath"? You don't feel slickery clean but better than a bed bath by some stranger...right? Just reading your words was uplifting for all of us as we follow you through this journey. Keep your spirits lifted!!

  9. You have waited so long and now you are living answered prayers. It will be a process give yourself grace.

  10. Continued prayers for recovery and healing and for JB!

  11. Surgery gives the term "relatively clean" an entirely new meaning. I always felt a sense of accomplishment if I could keep my various Areas hosed down regularly by myself. It's amazing what you can accomplish in a sink. A sponge on a handle can be a real help- you can find them at the dollar stores.

    Baby steps. :) -p.

  12. I spent April in the hospital (NOT Covid!) Those foams, wipes, etc, are adequate, but when they finally took out the lines and could detach me from the IV's long enough that I could be washed with hot water and soap was such a happy day! I am amazed that after something as intense as a transplant you're already out of the hospital. I thought you'd be in for weeks. Here's hoping things keep sailing so smoothly.

  13. The Lord bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you, and give you peace. Continued prayers for you and JB.

  14. Easy as you go...you are making great strides, although you
    want to bounce back...you will in time, but for now just concentrate on allowing your body to mend and slowly reactivate. Additional prayers for hero JB .. may his back ease and also be given healing time. Prayers also for your
    medical team - strength, wisdom and blessings. Let time be on
    your side for renewal, Coni dear.

  15. JB is a trooper Extraordinaire". Thank god he is helping you transition through this difficult time. You are both in my prayers. I am sure the pain will lessen and your strength will return. I can't wait to see all of the activities you will take up once you bounce back!

  16. ask your nurse if you can cover for central line with Press & Seal. I had a PICC line and did that, taking a shower was a bit of pain, but well worth the trouble.

  17. So happy to hear that you felt well enough last night to organize! Hope there isn't too much poking and prodding at these appointments as I'm sure you've had enough of that for a lifetime. Sending good thoughts to JB that his back starts to feel better. Bless Denise for coming to help over the weekend. You have a wonderful team taking care of you!

  18. Glad you are progressing. I had 2 surgeries within the last year and yes, the incision and insides are sore for a good month. Getting out of bed or a chair is painful. This is normal and will get better!

  19. Most of us will never experience a major surgery like this. Follow your Dr advice and give yourself plenty of love and grace!! Something this big will take time to recover but you will recover. Just be patient with yourself. You have so much grace and love for others now is the time to turn it inwards. Your JB is a good guy. I'm lifting up prayer for the two of you. God bless you.

  20. Went to the dog park today so we could enjoy some fresh air in between rainstorms. I'm so glad you're recovering and hope you'll be back on your feet soon to enjoy your wild and precious life. We're praying for you!

  21. I can't believe how much you're doing already. You're progressing so very quickly. If you continue to do as well as you are, I'm sure your next post will be back to stitching. You're amazing and in my thoughts and prayers.

  22. Thank you for writing to us as you recovery. JB sounds like he's being wonderful. I enjoy hearing about your adventures. In my prayers

  23. Keeping you in continued prayers. God is good and it sounds like you're doing well for just having the surgery and all. As you said, when the muscles are cut through, it causes a lot of pain. You take it easy, and I'll keep JB in prayer as well.

  24. you are amazing and being well cared for.... Robyn Sydney Australia

  25. Abdominal incisions are yucky -take it slow, use a pillow to support your incision area when you sit up or move around and don't miss your medication! It's so wonderful that you have already come so far in your journey - keep strong.

    Mary in MN

  26. Sounds like you are doing everything you're supposed to be doing, Coni. Keep it up and you'll soon be running around like a crazy woman with her hair on fire.....Oh wait....the new kidney was supposed to fix that! Well, you'll be good as new in no time. Hugs!

  27. PS - I know it's kind of a small thing in comparison to getting your new kidney, but I feel kind of sad that you missed your god-daughter's nuptials.....

  28. So tell us Sweet Spinster Lady, of the stuff you packed for the hospital.... what did you need and had... What did you need and not have... and what did you bring that would have been best left at home? I'm a constant over packer so I'm always curious. I actually had to make a trip to Fort Wayne last week and I just used a carry- on for the 1st time ever! XO Ruth in Oxnard CA

  29. Sweet Coni, you are a miracle! Putting things away already! Even some stitching at the ready! I laughed about the bathing…my mama always called those “spit baths”. Did yours? I am (finally—delayed for 2 months due to COVID) scheduled for my own neck reconstruction surgery (think rods and screws) next Monday. Hmm didn’t think of dry shampoo. Might put that on the list. Praying for both you and JB, who is a hero! Debbie in Kansas

  30. It takes time to heal so this would be a good time to practice meditation, take some deep breaths, and allow your body to heal. Following my major abdominal surgery almost a year ago, I found a walker so very helpful for those important walk-abouts. And remember to push with your legs when getting up. It takes time, but each day will get better. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for a good recovery. Sounds like you're actually doing great!

  31. Glad things are progressing, it was so good to see your posts. Sorry JB is having back issues.

  32. Poor JB. Prayers for you both. I'm glad you have reinforcements to help and to let him rest. I can imagine he has a lot of stress as do you. Stay calm (as much as possible)!!

  33. I'm glad your friend is coming to give JB a little break. Sorry his back is hurting. Prayers for him, and prayers for you to continue healing.

  34. The progress you are making is amazing, Coni! With your JB, your care team and your friends, you will make tiny baby steps of recovery each day - don't rush it! I hope JB's back settles soon. Sending much love to you both xx

  35. I'll add JB to the list. Glad to hear your friend is coming to give him a break. We can't have him out of commission too!

  36. Hi conni hope your job gets the rest he needs I'm sure he loves taking care of you just sending some healing prayers for you both

  37. I haven't been following you for a while but it sounds like you had the surgery. I am sure you are in pain and this will take time. Sleep and walk.
