Aug 17, 2021



Good morning, Dearies!

Here we are on a Hoosierville Tuesday morning...slurping our damn good and easing into the day. I'd love to tell you that I've been up and at 'em and am planning a productive day, but...nope...still a bit fuzzy-headed and easing into it sloooooowly.

No matter. It is, after all, a day off to be enjoyed, and enjoy it I shall.

My sister-friend Denise is busy preparing a fundraiser t-shirt for me to post that I think you're really going to like, my sissy-sister Aunt Chrissy has lovingly made and donated sets of stitchy things from her shop for me to auction, and I am still working my way through my FUPPIE box for items that I've stitched but not framed/finished for you to bid on also. So it looks like I'll get that kidney fund re-built in short order!

On the stitchy front, I am still completely delighted with the pretty pumpkins and hoped to spend a good amount of time playing with her this afternoon. It might be 80 degrees outside, but inside we're jonesing for 50 degrees with a crisp, fresh breeze and fuzzy sweatshirts and flannel pajama pants and all things Fall.

So that's all the news from your hapless yet well-intentioned SpinsterStitcher today. What's new with you?


  1. Looking forward to seeing the auction items :-) Have a good day x

  2. Can't wait to see what is in the auction!
