Aug 26, 2021


I imagine that Stewey has settled in quite nicely in the Great Beyond, and is waiting patiently for me to arrive (provided I get my act together, go back to Mass, and say a few more rosaries). 

To bide his time, I'm sure he has collected quite a few new friends and Bridge partners:

Patrice caught Stewey's eye when she politely refused the ham selection at the Ladies Who Lunch buffet because it wasn't Wilson Virginia ham, sliced precisely thin enough to read the Style section of the New York Times through without spectacles.

And then there's Louise, who reminds him if his beloved Aunt Chrissy...always ready for an adventure, but sensibly dressed and elegantly accessorized:

It's not all tea cakes and Prosecco-sipping there, I'm sure. SOMETHING has to aggravate him regularly to hone his sharp little wit. Meet Darryl and his other brother Darryl:

Oh, Stewey. How I miss you so! Happy National Dog Day, Little. Mommie Dearest loves you very much!


  1. Coni, I know exactly how you feel. I miss my two sweeties every day and it’s been years. Thank you for the cute pictures. They brought a smile to my heart.

  2. Love your sense of humor. The pics and descriptions are marvelous. Prayers to you.

  3. Ana Harry- I don't want to call you an ASSHAT, but something about your comment reminds me of a diaper. Please peddle your bs elsewhere

  4. Yep....we miss our absent kitties

  5. This brought tears to my eyes, losing a loved so much pet is just hard.

  6. I lost my little doggie Nevin Monday I know how your heart aches. I wish I had a picture of me with him. I do have pictures of him.

  7. I think one reason God created animals was to make us better humans. Some people are not open to giving and receiving affection from animals. Says a lot about them, don't you think? For others, what would life be without the furry hugs and generous licks from our canine and feline friends? I have been blessed with the companionship of exceptional dogs and cats. I miss the ones who have gone on and the one remaining is a precious gift. Thank you, Lord, for our animal companions. You knew exactly what we needed.

  8. Long ago when our kids were quite young, a "pre-teen" kitten wandered into our back yard. Lss, she was ours for 12 years. We named her Moonbeam McSwine (anybody remember the Li'l Abner comic strip?), and our daughter called her Girlie. When we finally had to have her put down, I cried and cried. We buried her in the back yard under the grapevine. Very sweet animal.

  9. You bless me so much with your blog. Have read it faithfully for years. I lost my sweet 18 year old girl last month, named Sally. She literally laid down and died when she realized her bother, 12 year old Baby Boy had died two days earlier. That was my birthday week in July and I can only just now talk about it. I know you understand how I feel and I pray for you daily mainly for your health and transplant. Your strength, grace under pressure and willingness to share your ups and downs help so many people.

  10. I am sure he is having a ball and filling all the pups in on his Mo-ther!

  11. I miss my Jack Russell Brandy every day she was 17 when she passed a year and a half ago. I have one of her Pups that is now 16 and a half and her health is starting to deteriorate now. They keep us company and don't ask for much in return.
