Jul 23, 2021


In case you're not a watcher of Olympic ceremonies, that is a planet made entirely of drones hanging over Olympic stadium in Tokyo. It appeared during the singing of John Lennon's Imagine, and I confess that I was a weepy mess while it hovered there...like magic.

As usual, I am dismayed that the US contingent looks like a bunch of United Airlines flight attendants on a layover in Tampa, but I guess when you're Ralph Lauren you can slap a logo on a blue blazer and call it "uniquely styled for the American experience" and get away with it.

But it could be worse.

I do like the handy little white purses, though. So good for toting things about...especially one's medals.

I think this might be more my style:

Is it just me, or does the lovely lady on the right look a bit like Tony Curtis in Some Like It Hot?

We're heading to Ft Wayne tomorrow to meet up with my Lima friends, Denise and Jeff and my goddaughter Jacqueline and her husband Blake for a baseball game and some visiting. I'm looking forward to some time to be elsewhere for a minute, since my grumps seem to be following me here in Hoosierville. 

(I was particularly "pointed" with my nephrologist today because she wanted to blather on about the cost of one of my meds and I wanted to discuss my labwork. I probably overreacted, but I spent two months trying to take a drug that did NOT agree with me, and I was sickety sick sick because of a financial decision made in a cubicle someplace, and her telling me how expensive it is didn't help me any better. At. All.)

Moving on.

I'm going to leave the iPad alone for a few days and re-charge my batteries, Dearies, so carry on for a bit without me mucking about. I hope that your weekend is full of fun and frolic and that you'll come tell me all about it!


  1. Just looked at the current shots - thought the one in your blog was the current one. Think your shot was more fun - reminded me of the first female ranger uniforms the National Park Service had, khaki skirt and blouse with white knee-high boots. But good grief! Nothing like a pseduo-French vibe, eh? Have fun at the ball game. Nothing like a good game with friends.

  2. Very 1960s outfits - and for the older photo - yes, and Jack Lemmon in the middle!
    Enjoy your trip and hope you return with the grump cobwebs blown away.
    Here we have rain - a welcome cool down. xx

  3. Have a fun filled weekend with your Lima family, Coni! Thinking of you!

  4. Have a great weekend! Love the post, pics and the comments were spot on. See you on the flip side of Sunday! Luv,

  5. Have a great weekend! Sometimes a change of scenery is just what we need! Hugs.

  6. Have a wonderful time at the ballgame!! Are you going up on the roof again?

    Today is family reunion day here! Cooking like crazy this morning followed by cousins all afternoon!

  7. No Coni, you were not "pointed"! Remember, when it comes to health care decisions we "drive the bus". You go girl! Too often our health care providers choose not to acknowledge our concerns and opinions. Like you said...move on...enjoy your time with friends and dont look in the rear view mirror...onward!

  8. If only our healthcare "persuaders" could walk in our shoes,
    experience the meds they offhandedly prescribe and lose the sleep their double speak engenders ....( for the time it would take to register with them).... perhaps the scenario might change... I wonder how long that nephrologist pondered your legitimate concerns...after all, you got sickety sick,
    she didn't..... Enuff! Have a great time taking time away for
    the weekend and cherish one another in the group.

  9. Hope you have fun at the ball game!

  10. Yes, I agree about Ralph Lauren. Why in the world do they keep letting him do the Olympic uniforms? I can't remember a year when they looked good. The French/sailor suits look better than most he has done, but do they remind one of USA?
