Jul 2, 2021


I'm not going to lie to you, Dearies. I'm quite happy to have this week in my rear view. Between rough dialysis treatments and having my barnacles removed and the resulting sores...I'm finished, thankyouverymuch.

Rich made it back to Hoosierville at about 7:00 last night, and I made us a lovely dinner of grilled chicken on top of salad and then we starting catching up on our re-watch of Sopranos and the Talking Sopranos podcast after. Hopefully, he will be able to rest a bit today and then we can get back into our happy little routine.

Tomorrow promises to be beautiful, so we are going to get some golfing in, and then I hope a nice long dip in the pool after. On Sunday, we're going to a party at Fish Lake, but I fear the forecast of 90 and humid. I might have to wear a hat and take some stitching and find a nice shady spot to just chill.

No other news to report. I finished that tree on Good in Everything, so I might pick up something different this afternoon after my nap. We'll see.

I hope this finds you all well and safe and happy and healthy. If your're celebrating anything this weekend, have fun doing so! Otherwise, come tell me all about what's new in your corner of the world!


  1. Well done on getting the tree planted, Coni! Hope today is a peaceful day for you. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Taking stitching to a party? Find a cool shady spot and stitch? Sounds good to me - I wish I had stitching or a book with me at some parties! Nothing much is happening here for the 4th, probably more damned weeding. It occurs to me that a great way to celebrate would be to ignore the weeding and read the Constitution. Or maybe finish that last block for the 19th Amendment quilt.

  3. It sounds like you have great plans for the weekend. Your stitching looks great. Happy 4th of July!

  4. I once heard that stitching at a gathering is more interesting
    to others than insulting, as it might be if you were reading a book??? What a lovely thought.

  5. Just a relief to get over this heat wave in the Pacific Northwest. Hope quiet 4th of July.

  6. Great tree! I usually take some little stitching or crocheting with me to any outing...just in case! Have fun!

  7. Glad to hear your man made it home safe and sound. Sounds like you are in for a fun weekend! I am having a quiet evening tonight. 2 boys are gone to stock car races and the littlest is doing his own thing so I am hoping to get some stitching in after supper. Don't get too hot tomorrow!

  8. The Good in Everything tree is good in everything!
