Apr 23, 2021


My visit with Dr N didn't go quite as planned. She fears shingles, wants to rule out any funny business with head/neck cancer because of my history with same, and says it could also be something viral that I picked up God knows where.

On Monday I will have a CT scan of my head and neck to rule out the second possibility, and I am to keep close watch on my face and high-tail it to the Urgent Care if anything rash-like develops. In the meantime, I took a Claritin to see if that clears my head at all, and dialysis is trying to find a chair for me after the CT scan so they can get all of the contrast dye out of me since it's really bad for kidneys...especially sick ones.

In other words...oey.

But! I am not deterred from having a simply wonderful weekend. If weather permits, I am going to swing a golf club, so help me, and I promise you there will also be some form of stitching.

I did manage about fifteen stitches into Eliana last night, but I'm more than a little clumsy and having some difficulty seeing well given the shenanigans going on. If I struggle today, methinks I will pull some needlepoint with larger holes and get my fix that way.

So nothing good/nothing bad...just more investigations.

Happy, happy, healthy, blissful weekend to one and all! Do something really wonderful for yourself and come tell me all about it!


  1. Thinking of you and hoping for good news...

  2. Chin up and keep a happy weekend in mind...whatever needle you
    choose, ply it to your heart's content. Hoping a sense of well being will be yours.

  3. Can we all wiggle our noses collectively (channel our inner Samantha) and get you to feeling better? Goodness girl, have a glorious weekend and get some rest!!

  4. Sending lots of positive vibes your way dear Spinster....luv,

  5. Well that didn’t go as planned! But on the hunt for answers so that’s good.

  6. God bless you, and I’m thankful for your good doctor!! Swing that club, and that needle!! And get lots of rest.

  7. Wishing you a very happy weekend

  8. Oh when you get something, you sure do it good! Fingers crossed you are sorted out and feeling better soon. I'd join with Denise and do a Samantha, but I'm afraid I can only manage a Tabitha! But every little wish, hope and prayer helps. Enjoy your weekend with the golf and that you get some stitching later.

  9. Oy is right. But no worries, your doctor is just being very thorough and I'm sure everything will be 100% okay. Don't fret , enjoy your weekend and know that God will take care of you.

  10. Well pooh! It's bad enough to be feeling ill when you know what it is, but when there's several possibilities, ungh and yuck. I did not know the CT scan dye is that hard on kidneys - another medical lesson day for me.

    Hope this gets figured out and you feel better soon!

  11. Thinking of you and offering up prayers on your behalf, Coni.

  12. I hope you feel better soon Coni! Sending prayers for your health.

  13. Prayers for you Coni!! I am hoping Monday is uneventful and it's something easy to treat. Thinking of you. Large holes sounds like a good compromise. And I hope you have beautiful weather and get to swing that club.
