Mar 24, 2021



Heidy ho, Dearies!

Buzzy and I are here in the d-chair doing our thing and fat as sausages. I missed treatment on Monday due to feeling decidedly unwell after my second shot, so the fluid gain was a little higher than normal.

But all will be well again by the end of the week and I will go back to feeling like I'm fit and fantastic rather than poorly and pudgy.

Finishing Spring was bittersweet, since it was such a delightful companion these last few weeks. If all goes well and I feel good enough to do so, I am going to frame her when I get home. I have a frame that I hope to use for all of these seasons...swapping them out as the months change.

Next up is a small gift for my goddaughter's bridal shower. I have been a maniac with the plotting and planning and organizing and imagining, and lo and's almost here! Jacqueline's wedding date is June 5 and Sara's is October 2, so it looks like I will be happily busy futzing about for a bit.

(I should probably be clear and confess that the only thing I have to do is show up, but showing up involves girdles and high-heeled shoes and accessories and mascara and things and this will take a miracle to pull off without looking like a sweaty mess.)

My JB and I are going on a salad kick starting tonight. I spent yesterday chopping and containerizing and grilling chicken so that we don't have an excuse to order in. For the most part I have behaved myself, but the weekend felt like one big craving for munchies and Chinese food. 

Forgive me for being all over the place today. I feel a bit discombobulated, but am determined to get it together.

Happy...whatever day it is today. I hope things are wonderfully swell in your corner of the world and that you'll come tell me all about it!


  1. Glad you're able to have treatment today and hope you continue feeling alright. Good on the salads too.

  2. Glad you are feeling better from the 2nd shot and hope you and Buzzy had a smooth session!

  3. I'm glad missing Monday didn't make you crash yesterday. I'd say sorry you were ill, but since it was due to the 2nd vaccine, I won't :-) I'm still not eligible, so am a bit envious. Spring (and Winter) are gorgeous, I may need to find those charts.

    Not much planned on this rainy day for me, mostly catching up on things not done yesterday due to dentist appointment. I did find out Michaels in Cedar Rapids, closed since August derecho, is finally open again. Sadly lots of empty spots waiting for the merchandise yet. The entire DMC rack is empty, but at least I have stash and a stocked (so far) Joann near by, plus a local quilt shop carries DMC floss. If I need 1-2 skeins, I've been going there, instead of burning a bunch of gas and time driving to a chain store.

  4. Glad you’re back in the saddle today! Will Summer be coming up soon on the rotation? I have to ask: I am loving the quilt pattern leggings!! Oh my!! Would you share info on them, where you got them, the designer, etc?? I’ve never been a leggings fan but those made my skirt blow up!! LOL

    1. Hi, Dar! I get my leggings on the amazon. The designer name is ViV Collection, and they have hundreds of patterns!

    2. I found them!! Thanks so much!!

  5. We were talking about a salad kick around here too but today has loomed rainy and grey so maybe it's a soup day instead. I have to venture out to the dreaded IKEA today as they won't deliver/curbside pick up fabric and I need some to finish a project before they no longer carry it. I haven't been out of my little town for months and months...yikes! I hope things go well post Buzz for you Coni.

  6. Hope by today's end you will have gotten back into the swing of things and ready to forge ahead. Spring is so lovely and I like your idea of exchanging seasons in the frame for display.
    I admire your determination to salad up to balance your chemistry. Good for JB also. May finishing with the vaccine give you both the confidence to venture forth and enjoy community once again.

  7. Congratulations to the two bride's to be.

  8. Yeehaaa! Glad you are feeling better. Love those leggings! Congratulations to the brides to be too.

  9. I'm so glad you are feeling better. That being all over the place sounds normal to me. And dressing up for a wedding - since I retired from teaching I don't know how to do that anymore. It would be difficult for me. I live the jeans and t-shirt life now!

  10. Nothing wrong with being all over the place. It just means you're supervising!

  11. Glad to hear that you were feeling well enough for treatment again! Not even the vaccine can keep you down very long :)
