Jan 16, 2021


Bed coffee used to be an occasional indulgence. Now, I'm afraid, it has become a daily necessity.

I can think here. 

I can read to my heart's content here.

I can solve the world's problems here.

Plus, I can sip my damn good and look out the window and let my tiny little brain go completely quiet and just wonder about the tall skinny trees that line the street (they're Italian cypress...I looked them up), or think about dinner, or count my blessings.

My JB understands my need for quiet/me time, thank goodness, so he happily watches his Saturday shows until I get my wits about me and stumble out to the living room and he hollers "HI, CON!" with love and enthusiasm.

I used to feel guilty about bed coffee. Now I understand it's as important to me as going to the d-chair three times a week. It pulls toxins out, too, and restores a tiny bit of mental equilibrium.

I won't allow myself to stitch here, because that would be a sure way to never...ever...leave this bed, and that's just not fair or healthy for anybody. I stitch in my Happy Chair and listen to the sports on the TeeVee and engage in silly banalities with my Magoo and appreciate the change of scenery.

But for now...this is all I need.

What's your bed coffee equivalent?

THANK YOU for the book recommends, Dearies! Believe it or not, we must all think alike, because I have read many of the ones you suggested and enjoyed them very much. The others will be on order for curbside pickup at the library very soon!


  1. So funny you wrote about this! I get up in the morning, let my two puppies out to potty, make my coffee and the dogs and I head right back to bed. I read my email, check out my fav spots online (Spinster!!!) check the news and then I can get on with my day. This is where I can "center" myself for the day. As I type this, my 40 lb lab mix is sleeping on my husband's side of the bed, my 15 lb terrier "terror" mix is sleeping under the covers by my leg. I, too, do NOT stitch in bed but I do read before sleep in bed. God is good, life is good and the simple pleasures in life are the BEST pleasures this life offers! Enjoy your week, Coni, and know there are a ton of us who hold you in prayer each and everyday.

  2. I have my coffee or tea on the couch as I don't want to drag it up stairs, LOL! My dog follows me everywhere so he would be on the bed a recipe for disaster!

  3. Bed coffee is taking care of you, so important anytime, but especially when you are waiting for your kidney, dealing with Buzzy, and . . . what was that other thing?

    Right, living during a pandemic, political transition, social unrest, etc.

    Not an indulgence at all, a definite necessity.

    ((( hugs )))
