Sep 2, 2020


Happy Wednesday, Dearies!

I'm home and not in the d-chair today with what I suspect is a benign tummy bug. I thought I could get my act together and go in late, but when I telephoned the unit to give them a heads up, they told me to stay put because there is a bug going around and they were sending several people home.

So I have TWO free days here to behave myself, rest, stay out of trouble, and maybe put my face in the afternoon sun during a snoozy nap in the big girl sleigh bed.

JB will leave for NJ tomorrow, and if I am feeling better I will tackle the studio. I promise not to go crazy and empty it all out into the living room like I did before...only a light tidy followed by a good dusting and sweeping.

Eliana has more hair, as evidenced by the pic above, and if the stitchy gods smile down on me, I might finish her head dress (minus beads, bling, and trinkets) this weekend. She is still delighting me to no end...I am thinking about browsing through her compatriots on the interwebs to see if there is another I might set my sights on once she is complete, but I also am hankering to get back to Baked Alaska and Hoity Toity.

So much to look forward to!

Nothing else new to report, I'm afraid. The JB and I just got off the scale (independantly, of course because otherwise that would be silly) and we are BOTH determined to weigh significantly less when next we see each other. I have a very good does he, so hopefully in a few weeks we will have jumpstarted ourselves back on track.

Time for that nap, I think. Being green around the gills is my worst feeling, and Lord knows, I have a LOT of feelings. I did take an anti-nausea med as well as a few Wintergreens, so I should be much better very soon.

Cheers! Come tell me all about your day!



  1. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. At least you get some approved stitch time ;) I'll be joining you on that weight loss, Lord knows I need to drop a tiny person, so knowing a stitch buddy is out there doing it to will be reassuring. I'm currently finishing off a Floral alphabet W, hubby & I had an idea to cover our front wall in W's, as our last name is Williams, just in stitch version. This will be my 3rd W so far. Well, be good xox

  2. I love your Eliana. I have started her, but just barely, as I am working on Lady of the Flag and it is making me happy. I plan to rotate back to Eliana in the near future because I just love the colors!

    I do hope that you feel better soon!

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Tummy bugs are not fun at all! Eliana looks so pretty and she is coming on really well.

    Here not so much happening, a ton of washing and ironing was done yesterday. Beds changed and the spare bed is now ready for the in-laws. The weather is vile again so more indoor chores on the agenda Not getting the quilt out until October when the last of the visitors leave - then it will be a race against time to get the top completed by adding borders then quilted and bound before the son comes back for a week! EEEEK!!! No pressure eh!!!!

  4. Ginger is good for nausea Coni, either a couple of ginger biscuits or some ginger ale. Hope you soon feel better.

  5. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hopefully it passes quickly!

  6. The nausea couldn't be from those excellent meals you've been preparing. It was wise of your d-unit to advise you to stay away. Do take care of yourself. And enjoy your freedom!

  7. I am a fan of ginger chews or candy such as gin-gin. It really helps with the nausea
