Sep 28, 2020


 Happy Monday, Dearies!

The weather made an abrupt change overnight from sunny and 80 to 54 and rainy and I am giddy with delight. Time to break out the Woman Within sherpa sweatshirts and fuzzy socks!

I did nothing all weekend except cook and eat and eat and cook it seems. On Saturday I made stuffed bell peppers with leftover chili and Spanish rice, and yesterday was mini Thanksgiving, with turkey breast, mashed, stuffing, green bean casserole, gravy, and cranberries.

(My JB was beside himself with happiness, so score one for me in the good spinster companion department!)

Buzzy and I are here in the d-chair doing our thing, and I am hoping that they might tell me more about this whole "do it yourself" business so I can stop fretting over it. The advantages would be wonderful and they tell me that I will feel a million times better with no crashes or hangovers, but getting those needles in is going to be a real challenge.

(Oh well, I figure if I was able to deal with Stewey's little stinky toes of death I can handle anything.)

No stitchy progress to report, I'm afraid. By the time I got the kitchen cleaned up and my Sunday night mani/pedi done I was bushed! 

This is an OPI color...It's a Piazza Cake. The camera doesn't show it very well, but it's a nice burnt orange color that I love for October. 

(Toes match...I promise.)

That's it for me today. My week has started and I'm hurtling into it like a herd of turtles. How about you?


  1. About sticking yourself with a are a stitcher and probably poke yourself everyone in awhile...just think of a shot the same way. When I had to give myself shots I would grab a section of tummy fat, set the shot in place and pushed the button, after convincing myself that it was an orange and not me that was getting the shot. If you squeeze your skin hard enough that hurts more than a little needle prick. You will be fine! Love the piece you are working on!! Keep up your good nature because I love reading about your days. Thanks!

    1. Hi, Marybeth! I'm good with giving myself shots...I had to do that for a few years before dialysis. This is cannulation...inserting two very long and very large needles into the fistula/graph in my upper arm (named Buzzy). He's incredibly deep and has a lot of stents and stuff in him, so this proves to be quite a challenge.

  2. Your nails are really pretty - and such a nice shape too. I'm now on farmer's hand cream stuff for rough and chapped hands. We'll see how that works, otherwise it is udder cream that the quilters use!
    I hope you get used to buzzy and the fistula. You might be better at it than the nurses as you know where it works best. The rest would be plain sailing. Ooh and I am wearing my non-slip slipper socks that look like bootees - soooo snug!

  3. Hi, Davita has a home-dialysis forum on its website: Don't know if it will answer some questions or be helpful (my feeling is I'd be cautious about a place that makes its money off on-site dialysis). Stage 3 CKD pt here... Not at dialysis stage yet but part of what keeps me following the dastardly diet is your accounts of D chair life. Thank you for that insight.

  4. Coni, would you in home machine happen to come with a person that would do the hook up process? I am trying to imagine being able to do that on ones own self. Hmmm. You should see me trying to hold a little flashlight in one hand, tweezers in other, glasses slid down to just the right spot(there is no right spot though) while looking into magnifying mirror) just to think out the ol eyebrows. Would your dear JB consider a new side job and learn to do it? I wish they could insert a sort of extension cord tubing off Buzzy that you could hook up leaving Buzzy undisturbed but I know its more complicated than that. Something will be worked out. I just know it!!

  5. Coni, your weekend meals sounded so delicious! Your nails look so pretty and love that color. Hope chair time went well!

  6. I have a friend who went to home dialysis. She said that she was given time to learn to insert those needles before she was turned loose. You can do it, it will just take some adjusting to.
