May 7, 2020


It took me exactly fifteen minutes to snap out of my schlumpadink.

I started the laundry, had a tuna sandwich, went for another walk, took a shower, and sat down to start beading Plum Pudding:

I forgot how much the beads add to these pieces!

Another 10,497 to go.


  1. Some days just start later than others. Beautiful beads!!

  2. 10,497 - is that all? Just kidding LOL! Sounds a nice day after all.
    Here not much happening, walk up to the veg patch, check the seedlings and the potatoes, chase the pheasants off the potatoes because they like dust bathing in the potato beds - they could do the same in the compost pile at the side, but nooo it has to be the potatoes. So I cover the potatoes back over with the dirt. Notice that the buzzard has been very busy with the rabbit population - why they do that in the veg plot I don't know - maybe the beds are like skydivers landing targets. There are no bunnies in the veg plot because we have bunny proof fencing. All that is left is one hind foot - nothing else apart from a little fluff. They nest in one of the pine trees at a neighbour's house down the road, baby must have hatched. Meanwhile those neighbours have a balcony and they sit and watch the sunsets or if it is nice then have tea out there. Waving to each other is fun, but only when I can see movement - I don't wear my specs outside. Sometimes it seems I wave to their umbrella! Sometimes they wave to me but I think it's their umbrella! A little bit of fun nonetheless. Take care and have a good one. xxx

  3. Nice looking beadwork, Coni! Glad the day got better!
