Apr 21, 2020


The amazons delivered a new batch of succulents today, and I don't think the truck was out of the parking lot before I had them opened and replanted. My previous attempt at growing a little succulent garden was for naught, but I am just stubborn enough to give it another go.

I am also contemplating an order of low-light house plants. I had quite a few plants at Chez Spinster, and really do miss them terribly.

Magoo has put a complete veto on a puppy, since he would be the one to have to walk and care for it, but I'm slowly wearing him down. I am seriously considering getting a small fish tank to demonstrate my ability to care for a living thing. Let's hope for the best.

Time to read the day's papers, fix dinner, finish the laundry, and get to stitching. I managed to clean the bath and kitchen and pay bills and shuffle paperwork, so it has been a lovely and productive little Tuesday!

How was your day, Dearie?


  1. Well done for the chores. Oh a puppy would be lovely. I'd like a rough collie, Lassie, but hubby says no too. So at the moment I'm going for a kitten - and no, it has to be a long haired tabby. Not that I mind - any will do. So progress - he was even stroking next door's cat without being bulldozed. Next door's cat likes attention, so while hubby was reading, pusscat (name unknown) laid on his Kindle! LOLOLOL!
    We had goldfish for the children - I loved the filter noise of bubbles - very relaxing. Go for it, it is one step in the direction of pupppppyyyyyy!
    Here more shifting compost, potato planting and today I need to pot up the toms and the squashes which I haven't done yet. My derriere is getting more toned and less like Max Wall. I don't look at my tum though - yukkkkkkk!

  2. I hope you get the puppy. I'll enjoy it vicariously. I would love to have a pup, but my general health would keep me from doing the walking and training. Hubby would have to do it and he's no betteer than I am.

  3. Good for you on getting your chores taken care of, Coni! Good luck on your next go round with the succulent garden!

  4. I'm sooo jealous about the puppy. But, nix on the goldfish. Did that when the children were young and it all ended up for me to do everything--smelling of fish water up to the armpits each week, and the dang fish still died after a couple of years. Yea, puppy!

  5. Consider an adult cat, much less work for a lot of affection. also try some Jade trees, they can go on your balcony in the summer.


  6. I know you’re a dog person, but would like to second the suggestion.to consider a cat. Actually, I’d suggest 2 cats. They keep each other company and are darned entertaining to watch play.

  7. Would your dear one be receptive to the idea of a young adult dog? Sometimes it's possible to find dogs that are already housebroken.

  8. To each his own. All I can take care of is a husband and one house plant. Doggies and kitties can be good for you, and I admire those who want to minister to them. I do love cats, but Other People's cats. Any animal coming to live with you would be blessed!

  9. I let a little squeak of excitement at the "p" word! I am excited for you even if you still have some wearing down to do :)

  10. Have you considered a betta fish (Siamese fighting fish)? They don't require much care (replace 1/3 of water every 3 or 4 days), don't need the bubbly tank, and are happier alone (note "fighting" name). They normally live for 2 or 3 years.

    You can even match your fish to your favourite stitching, as they come in lots of beautiful colours!
