Apr 6, 2020


 Hi, Dearies!

I'm in the d-chair doing my thing, and so far so good. There was a change of plan on Friday, and I ended up missing treatment, so today we're making up for it. (No worries about Friday...it was just me being me and fritzing out a bit and having a Crohn's flare up. A few days of quiet and I am right as rain once again.)

The reason for the flare up was definitely stress, so my focus this week is on managing  things better in that department.  I have all of the tools I need....now I just need to use them. (And I need to stop doing stupid stuff and continually looking for problems to distract myself from the big ones I already have.)

Two things sent me spiraling...one completely unexpected, undeserved, and quite mean, and the other completely of my own making. The first was settled by the realization that the mean girl is just that...a mean little girl. The second was resolved when I got my head out of my heiney and decided to really think about something deep and important after a gentle noodge from a very dear friend.

Lessons learned all over the place.

Our Sunday sauce was quite good, it turns out, and I was flooded with relief. I have never made sauce that way, but Rich's mom does, and I was determined to give him a taste of home. I didn't follow a recipe....just made meatballs according to how I know to do, and made braciola based on how I remembered my dad doing it. (*) I roasted the meatballs, braciola, and store-bough Italian sausage on a sheet pan in the oven to get everything nice and brown and then added all to my basic red sauce and let it simmer on low for several hours.

There was a fair amount of stitching on Hoity Toity, but alas, I didn't capture a photo of it this morning. I am still enjoying it very much, but will jump back into Plum Pudding as soon as the beads arrive...which might actually be today!

So that's it for now....back to semi-normal on a semi-normal Monday.  I hope that you had a peaceful, happy, healthy weekend and that you'll come tell me all about it.

(*) Pound flank steak super thin, salt and pepper both sides, sprinkle one side with good Italian cheese (parmesan, romano, etc), breadcrumbs, and any other seasonings you prefer, roll, cut into smaller pieces, and secure with a toothpick.


  1. I understand about stress and IBD. I have ulcerative colitis, which has been in remission for some time. Not surprisingly, it's been acting up for the past couple of weeks. It has to be stress related to the pandemic. With all of your other health issues, I can't imagine how stressed out you are. Take deep breaths, meditate (I never have gotten the hang of that), stitch, stitch, and stitch some more, read a book, watch mindless TV, and do not, under any circumstances watch, listen to, or read the news. We all know what's happening. Getting the play-by-play over and over again, ad infinitum, does not help. There are websites to which you can go if you want a quick rundown of what's happening in your specific area, no outside commentary, just the facts, ma'am (like the Dragnet segue?).

  2. Bracciole is a special treat at our house, but Sunday pasta is a basic every week!! Glad you're having a good day.

  3. Betty's daughter? They will get their comeuppance! Lots of hugs for being brave and putting the rudeness into a box and padlocking it away. Well done.
    And great you could then enjoy the rest of the time. Niiiiice recipe - sometimes experimenting is good but do not make dandelion soup - worst thing ever. Daughter gave us a recipe for "the best ever roasted potatoes" which to me seems such a rigmarole of pots, pans, colanders and sieves not to mention washing up - whereupon both hubby and myself decided life was too short to bother! But she enjoyed herself which is the main thing,(was Michelin chef trained in college - now in insurance!!!) and I think her previous training has reawakened and experimenting more. I think this virus thing is bringing out (for the majority) the best in people and a return to some of the long forgotten skills - crafts even! Something good out of something bad perhaps - or the optimistic side of me is coming to the fore! Stay safe everyone xx

  4. Sounds delicious! Glad you are feeling better today. Hope those beads arrive for you today!
