Mar 24, 2020



  1. Simply lovely. Thank you Coni...

  2. Very nice. I've said this to many but I'm going to leave the comment here too. My dad was a British soldier in WWII and captured at Dunkirk. He was in German prison camps for 4 years. He had his jaw and ankle broken. Life was beyond tough. My mom grew up in Belgium. My granny worked with the Belgium underground and hid British and American soldiers from the Germans. Belgium was under German occupation. My parents young life was 'interrupted' by the war and I'm sure my granny wasn't thrilled to be in the middle of it at age 60. We all need to keep calm and help and protect each other by keeping our distance and stay home as much as possible. Nothing lasts forever and this will end. It may take a few months or until a vaccine is found but it will end. Coni, you have other health issues as many other people so all of us need to protect you and them. You are not alone and many of us are keeping you in mind by staying healthy. Have a blessed day and know God has YOU in His hand. Patty McDonald

    1. What a sacrifice your granny and dad made for the safety of others. Thanks!

  3. Oh said that beautifully, thank you so much

  4. This is very powerful, especially during our current crisis. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for introducing me to John Donohue. As I am a member of the British Legion, I just love the family history. x

  6. 💟
    A lovely piece of poetry. Thank you. xxx
    Day 5 of sunshine - oh my gosh! Unheard of!!!!

  7. So appropriate. Stay safe and prayers are going your way.
