Jan 2, 2020


Progress from yesterday:

I have an appointment, and then it's home to stitch! I have high hopes of completing the little house and then moving on to the vase on the right!

What are your high hopes for the day, Dearies? Come tell us all about them!


  1. Looks so pretty up close! Love the colors. I hope you get lots of stitchy time today! That's what I plan on....after my chores!!

  2. That is one beautiful project...must give you much satisfaction to work it, Coni. Your pace is enviable.
    Enjoy your stitching today and continue the feeling rested...

  3. I just love this piece. Your stitching is going to make me want to do hoity-toity. No no no I will resist, LOL. I have the day off today but it is so gloomy my goal for the day is to not end up taking a nap on the sofa. Hopefully I will get some stitching in.

  4. Beautiful colors on this one!

  5. I really like this piece you are working on. You are doing a good job. I am currently working on the last row of a tatted doily. I started a long time ago, but kept putting it aside for various different reasons. But now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, so I am anxious to be done now. Almost 1/4th round the perimeter.

  6. I was making progress on "Bless Our Home" by La-D-Da, really enjoying it while watching a great episode of Father Brown on PBS. But chaos ensued when I noticed 2 of my cats in a corner of the room. turns out I have a mouse in the house. I almost cannot function. I am upstairs now while the mouse is downstairs, I hope. I get so freaked out by them.

  7. Wow! That's a lot of sewing! Super progress. Here, I have the lurgy that my son kindly shared when he was down here just after Christmas. Husband is off to visit our daughter for the weekend so thankfully I'll have the place to myself!

  8. Hoity Toity looks good. Hope you finished the house and hope your appointment went smoothly!
