Feb 23, 2019


  1. I can identify. I think we all should pretent like it is Thursday again! I have a couple of new books and it is cold and rainy here so I may just go back to bed for a while and read. Enjoy your day.

  2. lol :) Love it :) Feel the same way but I have to wait until I get off work first....blech!

  3. Yeah, ain't it the truth?? Always laundry.

  4. I switched to the laundromat after moving. I found an ultra clean slice of heaven with super capacity machines. Eight loads. 1.5 hours. And folded. #winning (I did almost leave me husband for the gentleman at the next folding table. I was in awe of his folding skills. He put me to shame. But, alas, obviously there was a wife/SO at home waiting on the bras perfectly hanging on lingerie hangers.)
