Jul 17, 2018


Today was quite simply the most beautiful day...breezy and cool with low humidity and big fat puffy white clouds floating across a pretty blue sky. Mister Spinster and I just returned from playing nine holes over at Notre Dame, and I had the second best round of my life.

Aside from my old lady underpants creeping up my heiney at the very end, I was actually very comfortable out there today, and I whacked that little ball with abandon.  I scored a 53. If you are a golfer and know things, you are probably scratching your head that I would be happy with this score, but my normal is somewhere in the mid sixties...so 53 is worthy of a celebratory cookie with our Jimmy Johns tonight.

After a float in the pool, I am hoping for some stitchy time on the sectional. This is a non sports week, so poor Rich is a bit twitchy with the teevee viewing selections. I might have to give him oxygen or a sedative or...heaven forbid...intruduce him to Bravo and the Housewives.

So that's the report for a summer Tuesday, Dearies. Here's hoping that yours has been lovely and perfect in every way! Come tell me all about it!


  1. well it does sound like a lovely Tuesday, floating in the pool and stitch time,, perfect! My day was not as good I'm afraid,, by I have hopes high for tomorrow.

  2. Rich,

    All-Star game. Tour de France replay.

  3. Sounds like a beautiful day! 109 degrees here in North Texas today-staying inside under the air conditioner!

  4. What??? No All Star game for Mr Spinster?

  5. You had a gorgeous day to play outside, Coni! Good going on the 53!

  6. I suspect you hide the sports schedule under one of the
    sectional cushions...Poor JB....Great golf plays, Coni..
    You enjoyed...that's the point... Thanks for spreading
    your joy.

  7. Oh you make me giggle! So so glad you are enjoying life! And yes introduce him to the housewives!
